BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:855alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20171021T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20171021T235900 URL: LOCATION:36-42 Union St\, Sheffield S1 2JP\, UK SUMMARY:Charity Gift III CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:For the third year running\, I am proud to annouce that Sheffie ld will be hosting\, with the assistance of the fine people at Patriot Gam es\, our annual Charity Gift Netrunner Auction Tournament in support of Sh effield Children's Hospital.\nIf you're not familiar with the format\, her e's how it shakes out. This will be a 32 person tournament\, where the to urnament tickets are auctioned in sets on the site Each t ournament ticket will not only allow you to attend\, but also put limits o n the IDs you are allowed to play - essentially\, you will be buying the e xclusive rights to play a particular pair of runner and corp IDs.\nFor the first time in Charity Gift history\, there are now enough IDs on both si des to allow a field with absolutely no repeated IDs. So if you are the p layer who ends up buying the pairing including HB:ETF\, you can be sure th at no-one else will be playing it.\nIn addition\, several of the ID pairin gs have been selected by luminaries and influencers in the Netrunner commu nity\, including RunLastClick\, The Winning Agenda\, Dead Channel\, Beyoke n\, Netrunner Lead Designer Michael Boggs and World Champion Chris Dyer a mongst many others.\nEvery pairing will come with a set of custom-made Alt ernate IDs for the IDs of your choice\, and in the case of the celebrity p airings\, a second set of IDs signed by the pairings' sponsor.\nThe tourna ment will be littered with prizes\, including signed art prints from Matt Zeilinger\, official FFG mats\, acrylic flip IDs\, alt art cards and vinyl tokens. In addition\, this year I'm very excited that the very talented Owen Alexander a.k.a. Shipmentofheadcrabs will be providing the art for th e Charity Gift official Top 4 playmats. And of course\, there will be a t hird incarnation of the infamous Golden Handbag Girraffe trophy for the ev entual winner.\nAs with previous years\, every penny spent on the auctions \, and on other side events will go directly to the charity. Every part o f this event\, including the venue and all the prize support\, will be cov ered by me and by the very generous contributions of the Netrunner communi ty.\nThe event will take place in Sheffield\, and will be a 5 round swiss with no top cut and no IDs\; the mood is usually very light and casual\, so if you are intimidated by the thought of playing in a tournament for th e first time\, this could be an excellent way to dip your toe in the compe titive community.\nHopefully\, as with last year\, we will have sufficient prize support to ensure that everyone\, regardless of ability level\, wil l go away not only having played several fun games of Netrunner and the wa rm feeling of having supported a fine charity\, but also with some swag fo r thier troubles.\nAs last year\, the pairings will be listed on 32 Auctio ns the Monday after Nationals weekend\, with each pair showing one known a nd one unknown ID\, and a cryptic clue as to what the unknown ID would be. Bidding for the first set of 16 auctions will start the following weeken d and run for a week\, then the second set of 16 auctions the following we ek.\nFollow the event for more information\, and if you have any questions \, please let me know in the comments\, or tweet at me at @NotTopGearRH on Twitter\, or find me in Stimhack Slack in the #uk Channel as @highwire.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
For the third year running\, I am proud to annouce that Sheffield will be hosting\, with the assistance of the fine p eople at Patriot Games\, our annual Charity Gift Netrunner Auction Tournam ent in support of Sheffield Children's Hospital.
\nIf you're not fam iliar with the format\, here's how it shakes out. This will be a 32 perso n tournament\, where the tournament tickets are auctioned in sets on the s ite Each tournament ticket will not only allow you to att end\, but also put limits on the IDs you are allowed to play - essentially \, you will be buying the exclusive rights to play a particular pair of ru nner and corp IDs.
\nFor the first time in Charity Gift history\, th ere are now enough IDs on both sides to allow a field with absolutely no repeated IDs. So if you are the player who ends up buying the pairing inc luding HB:ETF\, you can be sure that no-one else will be playing it.
\nIn addition\, several of the ID pairings have been selected by luminari es and influencers in the Netrunner community\, including RunLastClick\, T he Winning Agenda\, Dead Channel\, Beyoken\, Netrunner Lead Designer Mich ael Boggs and World Champion Chris Dyer amongst many others.
\nEvery pairing will come with a set of custom-made Alternate IDs for the IDs of your choice\, and in the case of the celebrity pairings\, a second set of IDs signed by the pairings' sponsor.
\nThe tournament will be litter ed with prizes\, including signed art prints from Matt Zeilinger\, officia l FFG mats\, acrylic flip IDs\, alt art cards and vinyl tokens. In additi on\, this year I'm very excited that the very talented Owen Alexander a.k. a. Shipmentofheadcrabs will be providing the art for the Charity Gift offi cial Top 4 playmats. And of course\, there will be a third incarnation of the infamous Golden Handbag Girraffe trophy for the eventual winner.
\ nAs with previous years\, every penny spent on the auctions\, and on ot her side events will go directly to the charity. Every part of this event \, including the venue and all the prize support\, will be covered by me a nd by the very generous contributions of the Netrunner community.
\nThe event will take place in Sheffield\, and will be a 5 round swiss with no top cut and no IDs\; the mood is usually very light and casual\, so if you are intimidated by the thought of playing in a tournament for the fir st time\, this could be an excellent way to dip your toe in the competitiv e community.
\nHopefully\, as with last year\, we will have sufficie nt prize support to ensure that everyone\, regardless of ability level\, w ill go away not only having played several fun games of Netrunner and the warm feeling of having supported a fine charity\, but also with some swag for thier troubles.
\nAs last year\, the pairings will be listed on 32 Auctions the Monday after Nationals weekend\, with each pair showing on e known and one unknown ID\, and a cryptic clue as to what the unknown ID would be. Bidding for the first set of 16 auctions will start the followi ng weekend and run for a week\, then the second set of 16 auctions the fol lowing week.
\nFollow the event for more information\, and if you ha ve any questions\, please let me know in the comments\, or tweet at me at @NotTopGearRH on Twitter\, or find me in Stimhack Slack in the #uk Channel as @highwire.