BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:834alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20171111T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20171111T235900 URL: -2017-zurich LOCATION:Triemlistrasse 183\, 8047 Zürich\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Rotation World Championship 2017 Zurich CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nUPDATED / CHANGED 15.09.2017\nSimilar to Fantasy Flight Games \, we act fast\, make announcements and then change everything. Starting f rom October 1st\, Genesis and Spin-Cycles are not longer tournament legal and the cardlist from the Core-Set is replaced with a REVISED version (som e old core cards are banned\, replace with some cards from the first two c ycles). Whether you like it or not\, this will have a big influence on the current Meta and Decks which will be played at the World Championship 201 7. The initial idea of pitching the original World Champion decks of this and the past years against each other no longer makes sense\, in our opini on\, because the gap between these decks will be too big.\nWe now take the chance to make our first POST-ROTATION tournament. Bring your new\, revis ed decks to our unofficial “World Championship 2017 Zurich”.\nThe “W orld Championship 2017 Zurich” will be hosted one week after the officia l FFG World Championship in Roseville\, MN\, USA. It’s open for all play ers of all levels who would like to play a relaxed tournament with 4 swiss rounds. If you never played a tournament\, you don’t have to pay any st arting fee.\nFOR CLARIFICATION:\n-Use the cardlist from the REVISED CORE S ET. (Account Siphon\, Parasite\, Engineering the Future… are banned!!!)\ n-Creation and Control\, Honor and Profit\, Order and Chaos\, Data and Des tiny\, Terminal Directive (player cards only)\, Lunar Cycle Data Packs\, S anSan Cycle Data Packs\, Mumbad Cycle Data Packs\, Flashpoint Cycle Data P acks\, Red Sand Cycle Data Pack are allowed.\nDate: Saturday\, November 11 th 2017\nCheck-in time: 09:30 am - 09:45 am\, please be there in time\nSta rting Time: 10:00 am\nEnd: approx. 04:00 pm\nLocation: Restaurant Bar Caf é Ey Hof\, Triemlistrasse 183\, 8047 Zürich\, (map)\nNeeded equipment: 1 Runner deck &\; 1 Corp deck\, both sleeved\, tokens\, starting fee\nC ard pool: Revised Core Set up to Crimson Dust (without Genesis / Spin).\nR egistration: send e-mail with nickname to or here at abr\n D E T A I L S:\nTier: Relaxed\nTournaments at this level are welcoming to all players\, regardless of experience level. Players are encouraged to he lp each other improve and learn\, so long as it does not significantly dis rupt the game. The focus is on creating a fun and friendly environment.\nF ormat: Swiss format without cut\, 4 rounds.\nCard pool: all cards from Re vised Core up to Crimson Dust (without Genesis / Spin).\nLanguage: German\ , English\, French\nDecklists: not required\nCard sleeves: please use non transparent card sleeves. Single proxies are allowed\, if they are clear t o read.\nTournament rules: Standard FFG + current FAQ including “NAPD Mo st Wanted List”!\nEntry fee: 10.- CHF / 10.- EURO. Free if this is your first tournament.\nPrize support: ANR Game Night Kit (Q4 2017\, if here - otherwise we have some other GNK). Additional prices for newbies *.\n\n\nn ewbie is\, if you never played an netrunner tournament.\n\n\nNumber of pla yers: max. 16\nTournament organizer (TO): Chiphead404\nJudge: Nembras\nNot e: Just a heads-up\, TO and Judge will also participate\, but will always be ready to help or solve problems.\nNicknames: The ranking list will be p ublished online. If you don’t want to see your real name somewhere in th e www\, please send your nickname with your registration.\nCar Parking: Th ere is a car parking next to the Eyhof.\nFood: Please order your drinks at the Restaurant. Food can be ordered after round 1 or you can eat somethin g outside.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



UPDATED / CHANGED 15.09.2017


Similar to Fantasy Flight Games\, we act fast\, make announcements and the n change everything. Starting from October 1st\, Genesis and Spin-Cycles a re not longer tournament legal and the cardlist from the Core-Set is repla ced with a REVISED version (some old core cards are banned\, replace with some cards from the first two cycles). Whether you like it or not\, this w ill have a big influence on the current Meta and Decks which will be playe d at the World Championship 2017. The initial idea of pitching the origina l World Champion decks of this and the past years against each other no lo nger makes sense\, in our opinion\, because the gap between these decks wi ll be too big.


We now take the chance to make our first POST-ROTAT ION tournament. Bring your new\, revised decks to our unofficial “World Championship 2017 Zurich”.


The “World Championship 2017 Zurich ” will be hosted one week after the official FFG World Championship in R oseville\, MN\, USA. It’s open for all players of all levels who would l ike to play a relaxed tournament with 4 swiss rounds. If you never played a tournament\, you don’t have to pay any starting fee.




-Use the cardlist from the REVISED CORE SET. (Account Siphon\, Parasi te\, Engineering the Future… are banned!!!)\n-Creation and Control\, Hon or and Profit\, Order and Chaos\, Data and Destiny\, Terminal Directive (p layer cards only)\, Lunar Cycle Data Packs\, SanSan Cycle Data Packs\, Mum bad Cycle Data Packs\, Flashpoint Cycle Data Packs\, Red Sand Cycle Data P ack are allowed.


Date: Saturday\, November 11th 2 017\nCheck-in time: 09:30 am - 09:45 am\, please be there in time\nStarting Time: 10:00 am\nEnd: approx. 04:00 pm\nLocation: Restaurant Bar Café Ey Hof\, Triemlistrasse 183\, 8047 Zürich\, (map)\nNeeded equipment: 1 Runner deck &\; 1 Corp deck\, both sleeved\, tokens\, starting fee\nCard pool: Revised Core Set up to Crimson Dust (without Genesis / Spin).\nRegistration: send e-mail with nickname to or here at abr


D E T A I L S:


Tier: Relax ed\nTournaments at this level are welcoming to all players\, regardless of experience level. Players are encouraged to help each other improve and l earn\, so long as it does not significantly disrupt the game. The focus is on creating a fun and friendly environment.


Format: Swiss format without cut\, 4 rounds.\nCard pool: all cards from Revised Core up to Crimson Dust (without Genesis / Spin).\nLanguage: German\, English\, French\nDecklists: not required\nCard sleeves: please use non transpare nt card sleeves. Single proxies are allowed\, if they are clear to read.\n

Tournament rules: Standard FFG + current FAQ inclu ding “NAPD Most Wanted List”!\nEntry fee: 10.- CHF / 10.- EURO. Free if this is your first tournament.\nPrize support:< /strong> ANR Game Night Kit (Q4 2017\, if here - otherwise we have some ot her GNK). Additional prices for newbies *.


Number of players: max. 16\nTournament organizer (TO) : Chiphead404\nJudge: Nembras\nNote: Just a heads-up\, TO and Judge will also participate\, but will alwa ys be ready to help or solve problems.


Nicknames: The ranking list will be published online. If you don’t want to see you r real name somewhere in the www\, please send your nickname with your reg istration.


Car Parking: There is a car parking ne xt to the Eyhof.


Food: Please order your drinks a t the Restaurant. Food can be ordered after round 1 or you can eat somethi ng outside.