BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:824alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20171014T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20171014T235900 URL: LOCATION:Triemlistrasse 183\, 8047 Zürich\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Cube Draft CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWe like to invite you for a Netrunner Cube Draft!\nIf you don ’t know Draft or Cube Draft\, you can find a good description here\nDate : Saturday\, October 14th 2017\nCheck-in time: 09:30 am - 09:45 am\, pleas e be there on time\nStarting Time: 10:00 am\nEnd: approx. 04:00 pm\nLocati on: Restaurant Eyhof\, Triemlistrasse 183\, 8047 Zürich\nNeeded equipment : Runner &\; Corp cards according list below\, 2 x 40 sleeves\, tokens\ , starting fee\nCorp Cards:\n5 x Priority Requisition *\n2 x Private Contr acts\nRunner Cards:\n1 x Force of Nature\n1 x Pipeline\n1 x Aurora\n2 x Ar mitage Codebusting\n*If you don’t have 5 copies of Priority Requisition\ , please let me know and we will bring you the needed copies.\nRegistratio n: send e-mail with nickname\, first- and family name to o r here on abr\nEntry fee: 10.- CHF / 10.- EURO. Free if this is your first tournament.\nPrize support: ANR Game Night Kit (Summer 2016). Additional prices for newbies *.\n*newbie is\, if you never played an netrunner tourn ament.\nNumber of players: max. 8\nTournament organizer (TO): Chiphead404\ nJudge: Nembras\nNote: Just a heads-up\, TO and Judge will also participat e\, but will always be ready to help or solve problems.\nNicknames: The ra nking list will be published online. If you don’t want to see your real name somewhere in the www\, please send your nickname with your registrati on.\nCar Parking: There is a car parking next to the Eyhof.\nFood: Please order your drinks at the Restaurant. Food can be ordered after round 1 or you can eat something outside.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



We like to invite you for a Netrunner Cube Draft!\nIf you don’t know Draft or Cube Draft\, you can find a good description here


Date: Saturday\, October 14th 2017\nCheck-i n time: 09:30 am - 09:45 am\, please be there on time\nSt arting Time: 10:00 am\nEnd: approx. 04:00 pm\nLocation: Restaurant Eyhof\, Triemlistrasse 183\, 8047 Zür ich


Needed equipment: Runner &\; Corp cards ac cording list below\, 2 x 40 sleeves\, tokens\, starting fee


Corp Cards:\n5 x Priority Requisition *\n2 x Private Contracts< /p>\n

Runner Cards:\n1 x Force of Nature\n1 x Pipeline\ n1 x Aurora\n2 x Armitage Codebusting


*If you don’t have 5 c opies of Priority Requisition\, please let me know and we will bring you t he needed copies.


Registration: send e-mail with nickname\, first- and family name to or here on abr\n

Entry fee: 10.- CHF / 10.- EURO. Free if this is y our first tournament.\nPrize support: ANR Game Night Kit (Summer 2016). Additional prices for newbies *.\n*newbie is\, if you n ever played an netrunner tournament.


Number of player s: max. 8\nTournament organizer (TO): Chiphead40 4\nJudge: Nembras\nNote: Just a heads-up \, TO and Judge will also participate\, but will always be ready to help o r solve problems.


Nicknames: The ranking list wil l be published online. If you don’t want to see your real name somewhere in the www\, please send your nickname with your registration.


Car Parking: There is a car parking next to the Eyhof.

\ n

Food: Please order your drinks at the Restaurant. Foo d can be ordered after round 1 or you can eat something outside.