BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:82alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170602T080000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170602T235900 URL: SUMMARY:2017 European Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nOfficial FFG announcement\nJune 2nd - 4th\nMore Official Info \nPrizes\n\n\n\nParticipation – Bhagat is hosting a riot in the streets\ , and you're invited! Revel in true Anarch fashion with his alternate art connection card. In addition\, each competitor receives a stunning commemo rative 2017 European Championship coin.\n\nTop Third – After the dust se ttles from the Swiss rounds\, players who placed among the top third of al l competitors will receive a set of five memory unit tokens. One can be us ed to represent an initial four memory units\, and the other four are a us eful tracking tool as you add to your slate of programs.\n\nTop 32 – The premium three-compartment deckbox\, bearing the European Championship log o\, awaits those who ascend to the top 32 of final standings.\n\nTop 16 – A hefty medal will be draped around the neck of each competitor that a scends to the Top 16\, bearing an inscription and game logo on its reverse .\n\nFinishing Placement – A stunning playmat featuring art from the Ter minal Directive Campaign Expansion is awarded to each player who runs thei r way into the Top 8. Each playmat bears an icon displaying the rank its b earer finished the event with\, including Top 8\, Top 4\, 2nd\, and 1st.\n \nTop 4 – Each of these players will have the opportunity to build on th eir incredible performance at the World Championship by earning a free res erved seat next November!\n\nFinalist – A plaque commemorates an outstan ding accomplishment\, and is complimented by a bye at the World Championsh ip in November! In addition to a radiant trophy\, the European Champion wi ns the chance to inspire the design of a future Android: Netrunner card! A free flight and hotel room for the next World Championship will elevate t hem to the pinnacle of competition\, where they receive a bye in the first round. The champ is even allowed an additional free reserved seat\, to br ing a friend or companion to compete alongside them at Worlds.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Official F FG announcement


June 2nd - 4th


More Official Info



