BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:812alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20170916T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20170916T235900 URL: gnk LOCATION:2154 University Ave\, Berkeley\, CA 94704\, USA SUMMARY:Eudo \"Rotation Jank Sendoff\" GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Update: core set 2.0 announced! Core 1 cards will be legal for this tournament. Feel free to give the janky ones we're about to lose (Zai batsu Loyalty\, Research Station\, Data Dealer\, Cell Portal) one last go. \nWith Netrunner's very first rotation imminent\, let's have fun by playin g the forgotten cards\, the cards that never quite found the right home. W e're proposing something a bit different for this GNK:\n\nbring decks focu sed around Genesis or Spin Cycle card(s) you've never played before\n\nyou 're encouraged to play many copies of the card(s)\; 1x Disrupter hardly co unts\nin the spirit of jank\, playing MaxX DLR just because you've never p layed it before is discouraged\; try to find something new that no one's t ried before\nneed ideas? Here's a list of "\;build around"\; cards from the the first two cycles\n\nNot feeling the whole rotation theme? We ll that's fine\, come out and play anyways! It's a prime opportunity to wi tness the worst/best of Genesis &\; Spin working/failing miserably.\nYo u can pre-register here but it's not required. is the B ay Area Netrunner site.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Update: core set 2.0 announced! Core 1 cards will be legal for this tournament. Feel free to give the jan ky ones we're about to lose (Zaibatsu Loyalty\, Research Station\, Data De aler\, Cell Portal) one last go.


With Netrunner's very first rotat ion imminent\, let's have fun by playing the forgotten cards\, the cards t hat never quite found the right home. We're proposing something a bit diff erent for this GNK:


Not feeling the whole rotation theme? Well that's fine\, c ome out and play anyways! It's a prime opportunity to witness the worst/be st of Genesis &\; Spin working/failing miserably.


You can pre-register here but it's not required. is the Bay Area Netrunner site.