BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:810alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20170924T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20170924T235900 URL: nt LOCATION:Djäknegatan 2a\, 211 34 Malmö\, Sweden SUMMARY:Netrunner Rotation Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:WHAT\nTime to say goodbye to the first two cycles that soon wil l rotate out of competitive play. To celebrate those cards we're hosting a tournament with a deckbuilding focus on those cycles.\nDecks may only inc lude cards released in:\n\nCore Set (no limit on number of sets)\nGenesis Cycle\nSpin Cycle\nCreation &\; Control\nHonor &\; Profit\n\nDecks d oesn't have to follow the Most Wanted List\, but all erratas in the latest FAQ and UFAQ apply.\nWHEN\nSunday September 24th. Registration open from 12.00 to 12.15. Tournament start at 12.15. Note: the store opens at 12.00. \nWHERE\nPlayoteket\, Malmö\, Djäknegatan 2A\nENTRY FEE\nDepending on nu mber of attendants\, around 50-100 SEK\nPRIZES\n2017 Q2 kit and extras:\nA ll participants will recieve 1 alt-art Data Raven and 1 alt-art Smoke\nAll participants\, starting with the winner and then in descending order\, wi ll choose 1 of the following prizes:\n\n1 set acrylic Shaper click tracker \n1 alt-art Nero Severn\n1 double sided full-art Terminal Directive IDs\n1 playset full-art Eli 2.0\n1 playset full-art Charlatan\n1 playset alt-art Ice Wall\n\nLATEST DATAPACK ALLOWED\nHonor &\; Profit\nDECKLISTS\nNot required\nRULES\nAll of the latest versions of FFG's rules documents\, FAQ \, UFAQ\, Tournament Regulations and Floor Rules. Can be found here\, unde r "\;support"\;: droid-netrunner-the-card-game/\nNo MWL\, but erratas apply.\nTOURNAMENT ST RUCTURE\n4 rounds of Swiss.\nWelcome!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
WHAT\nTime to say goodbye to the first two cycles that soon will rotate out of competitive play. To celebrate those c ards we're hosting a tournament with a deckbuilding focus on those cycles.
\nDecks may only include cards released in:
\nDecks doesn't have to follow the Most Wanted List\, but all erratas in the latest FAQ and UFAQ apply.
\nWHEN\nSunday September 24th. Re gistration open from 12.00 to 12.15. Tournament start at 12.15. Note: the store opens at 12.00.
\nWHERE\nPlayoteket\, Malmö\, Djäknegatan 2A
\nENTRY FEE\nDepending on number of attendants\, around 50-100 SEK< /p>\n
PRIZES\n2017 Q2 kit and extras:\nAll participants will recieve 1 a lt-art Data Raven and 1 alt-art Smoke\nAll participants\, starting with th e winner and then in descending order\, will choose 1 of the following pri zes:
\nDECKLISTS\nNot required
\nRULES\nAll o f the latest versions of FFG's rules documents\, FAQ\, UFAQ\, Tournament R egulations and Floor Rules. Can be found here\, under "\;support"\ ;: rd-game/\nNo MWL\, but erratas apply.
\nTOURNAMENT STRUCTURE\n4 roun ds of Swiss.