BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:806alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20170924T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20170924T235900 URL: LOCATION:Beggaardenstraat 6\, 2000 Antwerpen\, Belgium SUMMARY:Antwerpen GNK - #RotationReady CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nThe next GNK in Antwerp is on the board\, and this time we'll be playing as though the mythical rotation has already happened! Other th an the fact that you can't use any cards from the Genesis or Spin Cycle da tapacks (Creation &\; Control and Honor &\; Profit deluxe expansions are of course perfectly legal)\, there is no special structure. Erratas a nd MWL will be in effect.\nThere will be a number of swiss rounds based on player turn-out\, probably 4. No cut. Just good fun. Prizes are as follow s:\nTop 16: Alt art Data Raven\nTop 2: Alt art Nero Severn\nWinner: Click tracker\nSome of you may be wondering "\;hey\, the last GNK was Q2 kit "\;. Well\, there was a mix-up at Outpost and we awarded the Q3 kit\, so that's why we're playing for Q2 kit again this time.\nIMPORTANT UPDATE! \nSince the announcement of the Revised Core Set\, we will also be imposin g this restriction on deckbuilding! The leaked "\;Banned/Restricted&qu ot\; list will NOT be enforced!!!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The next GNK in Antwerp is on the board\, and this time we'll be playing a s though the mythical rotation has already happened! Other than the fact t hat you can't use any cards from the Genesis or Spin Cycle datapacks (Crea tion &\; Control and Honor &\; Profit deluxe expansions are of cours e perfectly legal)\, there is no special structure. Erratas and MWL will b e in effect.
\nThere will be a number of swiss rounds based on playe r turn-out\, probably 4. No cut. Just good fun. Prizes are as follows:
\nTop 16: Alt art Data Raven\nTop 2: Alt art Nero Severn\nWinner: Click tracker
\nSome of you may be wondering "\;hey\, the last GNK wa s Q2 kit"\;. Well\, there was a mix-up at Outpost and we awarded the Q 3 kit\, so that's why we're playing for Q2 kit again this time.
\nIM PORTANT UPDATE!\nSince the announcement of the Revised Core Set\, we will also be imposing this restriction on deckbuilding! The leaked "\;Banne d/Restricted"\; list will NOT be enforced!!!