BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:800alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20170903T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20170903T235900 URL: -games LOCATION:1950 Market StSte E\, Concord\, CA 94520\, USA SUMMARY:Cache Refresh @ Black Diamond Games CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to NetRunner's new format Cache Refresh!\nThis will be a relaxed tournament with prize support. All skill levels are welcome to p articipate and I'll be running demos for new players.\nCache Refresh is a new constructed format\, for NetRunner\, which limits the card pool for a single deck to\;\n• 1 Android: Netrunner Core Set\n• 1 Deluxe Expansio n\n• 1 Terminal Directive Campaign Expansion\n• The current Data Cycle (Red Sand Cycle.)\n• The second-most current Data Cycle (Flashpoint Cyc le.)\nPrizes:\nTop 16 players: Alt-art copy of corp asset\, Team Sponsorsh ip\nTop 3 players: Alt-art copy of runner ID\, Omar Keung\nTop 1 player: A crylic Anarch click trackers\nRegistration fee is $5\nAdvance registration is open now\, and available in-store.\nRegistration will be available sam e day from 10:00am-11:50am.\nPlease have two assembled decks\, one runner and one corp\, ready when you arrive. Due to the LCG format\, pre-assemble d decks are not available for purchase.\nIf you are new to the game but in terested in joining\, feel free come by the store any Tuesday evening for our weekly LCG night and ask for Justin or Lor. We're always willing to te ach and\, with no established meta and a tightly limited card pool\, cache refresh is a fantastic entry point for new players.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Welcome to NetRunner's new format Cache Ref resh!
\nThis will be a relaxed tournament with prize support. All sk ill levels are welcome to participate and I'll be running demos for new pl ayers.
\nCache Refresh is a new constructed format\, for NetRunner\, which limits the card pool for a single deck to\;\n• 1 Android: Netrunn er Core Set\n• 1 Deluxe Expansion\n• 1 Terminal Directive Campaign Exp ansion\n• The current Data Cycle (Red Sand Cycle.)\n• The second-most current Data Cycle (Flashpoint Cycle.)
\nPrizes:\nTop 16 players: Al t-art copy of corp asset\, Team Sponsorship\nTop 3 players: Alt-art copy o f runner ID\, Omar Keung\nTop 1 player: Acrylic Anarch click trackers
\ nRegistration fee is $5\nAdvance registration is open now\, and availab le in-store.\nRegistration will be available same day from 10:00am-11:50am .
\nPlease have two assembled decks\, one runner and one corp\, read y when you arrive. Due to the LCG format\, pre-assembled decks are not ava ilable for purchase.
\nIf you are new to the game but interested in joining\, feel free come by the store any Tuesday evening for our weekly L CG night and ask for Justin or Lor. We're always willing to teach and\, wi th no established meta and a tightly limited card pool\, cache refresh is a fantastic entry point for new players.