BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:794alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20170826T153000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20170826T235900 URL: LOCATION:Parklanes Commercial Hub Jalan SS7/26\, Kelana Jaya\, Ss 7\, 47301 Petaling Jaya\, Selangor\, Malaysia SUMMARY:ANR Nationals 2016 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The Doctor opens the creaky blue wooden doors and invites Roy i nto the oddly located police box.\nThe Doctor: It's a lot to take in\, isn 't it? Tiny box\, huge room inside\; what's that about? Let me explain...\ nRoy: It's another dimension.\nThe Doctor: It's basically another dimen-- [realizes] ...what?\nRoy: I read a lot of sci-fi\, this is not that surpri sing.\nThe Doctor: You pundek... I like the bit when someone says "\;I t's bigger on the inside!"\; I always look forward to that. [The Docto r looks annoyed\, then grins] So how can I help you?\nRoy: I need...erm... something from the past brought to the present day. Is that possible?\nThe Doctor: This is a time machine\, we can go anywhere\, anytime we like and be back in time for your event! Now let us go get this precious item of y ours.\nANDROID: NETRUNNER | Nationals 2016\nDate: 26th August 2017 (Saturd ay)\nTime: 3.30PM – late\nVenue: Cards and Hobbies (A-1-5\, Parklanes Co mmercial Hub\, Jalan SS7/26\, Petaling Jaya\, Malaysia 47301)\nEntry Fee: TBC\nFormat: Open Constructed (NAPD Most Wanted List v1.2 will be in effec t. Please refer to fa/84/fa84c620-cd7e-4c6c-96bd-c703419fca5e/adn_mwl_v12_web.pdf)\nSchedule: \nRegistration begins at 3:00PM.\nFirst round begins at 3:30PM.\nTop Cut ( depending on number of players) after swiss.\nSet Legality: Sets released up to Free Mars (Red Sands 5)\nPrizes:\n1st Place: The winner of a Nationa l Championship receives a first-place trophy to show off to their family a nd friends.\nTop Four: The top four players each receive a set of acrylic 10 Credit tokens\, allowing them to show off their wealth with some flair. \nTop Eight: The top eight players each receive a beautiful playmat with a rt from the card “Media Blitz”.\nTop Sixteen: The top sixteen players will be able to mark their progress with a set of advancement tokens.\nTop Sixty-Four: The top sixty-four players each receive one copy of the alter nate art card Chronos Project\, a tactical card against Runners who like t o reuse their cards over and over again.\nLatecomers Warning:\nDue to time constraints\, the organizers have to be strict with the time management d uring the event. Players arriving within the first 10 minutes after the st art of the first game (10:30AM)\, may proceed with the game with no extra time allowed. If you arrive after the first 10 minutes\, you will be given a game loss for your first round and can only join the tournament at the second round. We thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the game day p roceeds efficiently.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The Doctor opens the creaky blue wooden doo rs and invites Roy into the oddly located police box.


The Doctor: It's a lot to take in\, isn't it? Tiny box\, huge room inside\; what's tha t about? Let me explain...


Roy: It's another dimension.


Th e Doctor: It's basically another dimen-- [realizes] ...what?


Roy: I read a lot of sci-fi\, this is not that surprising.


The Doctor: You pundek... I like the bit when someone says "\;It's bigger on the i nside!"\; I always look forward to that. [The Doctor looks annoyed\, t hen grins] So how can I help you?


Roy: I need...erm...something fr om the past brought to the present day. Is that possible?


The Doct or: This is a time machine\, we can go anywhere\, anytime we like and be b ack in time for your event! Now let us go get this precious item of yours.


ANDROID: NETRUNNER | Nationals 2016


Date: 26th August 201 7 (Saturday)\nTime: 3.30PM – late\nVenue: Cards and Hobbies (A-1-5\, Par klanes Commercial Hub\, Jalan SS7/26\, Petaling Jaya\, Malaysia 47301)\nEn try Fee: TBC


Format: Open Constructed (NAPD Most Wanted List v1.2 will be in effect. Please refer to https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.c om/filer_public/fa/84/fa84c620-cd7e-4c6c-96bd-c703419fca5e/adn_mwl_v12_web .pdf)


Schedule:\nRegistration begins at 3:00PM.\nFirst round begin s at 3:30PM.\nTop Cut (depending on number of players) after swiss.

\n< p>Set Legality: Sets released up to Free Mars (Red Sands 5)


Prizes :


1st Place: The winner of a National Championship receives a firs t-place trophy to show off to their family and friends.


Top Four: The top four players each receive a set of acrylic 10 Credit tokens\, allo wing them to show off their wealth with some flair.


Top Eight: The top eight players each receive a beautiful playmat with art from the card “Media Blitz”.


Top Sixteen: The top sixteen players will be a ble to mark their progress with a set of advancement tokens.


Top S ixty-Four: The top sixty-four players each receive one copy of the alterna te art card Chronos Project\, a tactical card against Runners who like to reuse their cards over and over again.


Latecomers Warning:\nDue to time constraints\, the organizers have to be strict with the time managem ent during the event. Players arriving within the first 10 minutes after t he start of the first game (10:30AM)\, may proceed with the game with no e xtra time allowed. If you arrive after the first 10 minutes\, you will be given a game loss for your first round and can only join the tournament at the second round. We thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the game day proceeds efficiently.