BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:771alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Manila:20170729T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Manila:20170729T235900 URL: -regionals-2017 LOCATION:Eton Centris Walk\, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue\, Diliman\, Quezon C ity\, 1000 Metro Manila\, Philippines SUMMARY:Neutral Grounds Philippines Regionals 2017 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Neutral Grounds: Runners!! Announcing one of the Major Tourname nts for Android Netrunner LCG\nAndroid Netrunner LCG 2017 Regionals Tourna ment!\nWhen: July 29 2017 (Saturday)\nTime: Registration Starts 11am - Fir st Round Starts 12nn - 30minutes Break after 2nd Round\nWhere: Neutral Gro unds Eton Centris Walk\n"\;post-tourney report"\;\nI don't really have a report XD (Boo)\n&\; I can't say this hasn't been the best month ever for me lol.\nBut this wasn't 11 hours of Netrunner\, 5 rounds of Swi ss and Top 8 Double Eliminations\, 32 players. We were really few\, and I didn't really do all that well for someone piloting tried &\; tested ne tdecks. I lost thrice to good' ol Siphon Criminials. I did just enough\, b ut I believe with even more players things would've turned out very differ ently.\n…/neutral-grounds-philippines-r…\n Still so much to learn\, but always already so much to be thankful for.\nE veryone brought their A Game!\nMultiple metacalls of deck choices!\nAll fa ctions represented!\nTop3 all different IDs!\n"\;Quality games"\;- @Gerrett\n&\; as Joaq always puts it\, "\;This is why we play Netru nner."\;\n--bestgaem!\nOn deck choices\, I'm certainly not the best in using the powerful SiphonAnarch archetypes or Moon &\; Friends decks\, not even the viable-since-Worlds-to-Euros Boom Sync.\nI never thought I w ould be able to play CI7. After trying it for the first time &\; winnin g my first Store Champs during Toycon\, I wanted to risk it in a bigger to urney.\nI studied the Cookbook but CI7 is easier today because of all the new Clearances paving the way to draw your deck despite Power Shutdown err ata.:D\nDyper is harder than it looks and works better as a surprise.:))\n Dale has been saying Kate is better than the Haley build. He right.\nFirst game after SC Bye was Joaq:\nJoaquin Almirante plays the best "\;Good Netrunner"\;: maximizes fundamentals\, analyzes the better play\, pla ns turns not click\, and he's a stickler for the timing structure haha. I have a high regard for his love of the game.\nI whiffed my Corp combo befo re (even when I was using Railgun)\, and I kinda did again. I managed to p ull it off once\, but for the most part Employee Strike shut my Corp down while being Siphoned to the ground before a very ripe Legwork.\nI later fa ced Joaq again for about 5 times on the day!\nCrazy we had to face each ot her again in the finals!\nCut to top 8:\nAfter getting 1 agenda off Archiv es against Andre (who drew more money than ice)\, I used most of my 14 cli cks getting a Keyholed FuturePerfect (and later the unpayable Obokata) off the FilmCritic (AgInfusion tech).\nI miserably lost against his E-strike Andy before finding out Top Cut played only one (thankfully the first) sid e lol.\n2nd match I finally win against Joaq's Medium dig by hiding all th e agendas in HQ.\nNext was CerebralImaging versus the distruptive DLR MaxX .\nWhat felt like a race between setting up for the first of many sihpons+ Mill and drawing all the pieces I needed\, I triple-iced HQ.\nHis heap how ever was completing the conspiracy breakers.\nSo much for my swordsmen.\nT he big make-or-break turn opened with Siphon while a third of R&\;D was left.\nWith all the credits I had left\, I pressed the panic button to si phon myself!\nI drew the rest of my deck\, counting\, leaving just enough (4) for when DLR comes down.\nHe siphoned my remaining credit\, installed Data Leak Reversal\,\nproceeded to mill with the remaining Joshua B. click s.\nWith zero creds\, I mandatory draw the last card and use Reuse for the first time.\nI chuck about half of my 30-card HQ to gain a ton of credits .\nThen double Biotic to regain a full turn worth of clicks.\nThen Combo o ut. really slowly\, carefully scoring 7 points.\nAs with most of my matchu ps vs the great @Kookoobah 先生 my last turn really takes a lot of time before I get daleswept. I've only won once ever a few tourneys ago (by sne aking out an agenda among spammed assets).\nToday marked the 2nd time. Had to take a blurry pic with my old phone lel.\nAfter a long wait (goodtalks with Milan &\; Jagunap) while the others had very intense &\; epic matchups\,\neverybody else left for home and then my wife arrives for the Finals.\nI lost again with CI vs Joaq for our first finals match!\nThankfu lly twice to beat\, I made sure I didn't make the same mistake when he qui ckly flatlined my Runner during swiss.\nI quickly diesel'd for my anti-Syn c tech (Nach) so I could avoid the over advanced BreakingNews tags leading to Boom!\nWith Leprechauns loaded with Hyperdrivers\, I Mad Dash the prot ected remote servers &\; clear the JHow saviors.\nI win Regionals with DDOS attacks on R&\;D with EquivoKation Keyhole to "\;sift the most important data"\;.\nGGs.\nI'd like to thank my wife @Emem for her sup port. +30% Winrate (Mon) (Thank you all for celebrating us too.)\nI wouldn 't be here in this cybergroup\, and out there IRL in the wild if it weren' t for this awesome community.\nThank you wonderful Fireswordfriends for a constant community of boardgames &\; this best game. Godwin Raphael Ter e David Gerrett Joaquin Teddy\, I treasure our Thursdays at NG Centris &am p\; the Ap!\nThank you Quimpos Dale Claudia Niño and their school of Netr unner &\; Life.\nThank you Neutral Grounds &\; Kiko Xavier for the b igboxes\, organizing this Regionals &\; continually supporting ANR.\nTh ank you TheAppraisery's Joscar &\; Hesed for the datapacks and a home f or many.\nThank you GamingLibrary &\; Daniel for keeping the game alive with plenty of accessible tournaments.\nI also want to thank those who pl ayed before me\, and also those who taught me how to run better (Philippin e School of Netrunner).\nI remember all the good friends that I've made\, and we all miss everyone else who played the game.\nWe welcome players new &\; old to join this game that we love. What a game\, Netrunner.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Neutral Grounds: Runners!! Announcing one o f the Major Tournaments for Android Netrunner LCG\nAndroid Netrunner LCG 2 017 Regionals Tournament!\nWhen: July 29 2017 (Saturday)\nTime: Registrati on Starts 11am - First Round Starts 12nn - 30minutes Break after 2nd Round \nWhere: Neutral Grounds Eton Centris Walk


"\;post-tourney rep ort"\;\nI don't really have a report XD (Boo)\n&\; I can't say this hasn't been the best month ever for me lol.\nBut this wasn't 11 hours of Netrunner\, 5 rounds of Swiss and Top 8 Double Eliminations\, 32 players. We were really few\, and I didn't really do all that well for someone pilo ting tried &\; tested netdecks. I lost thrice to good' ol Siphon Crimin ials. I did just enough\, but I believe with even more players things woul d've turned out very differently.\n…/neutral -grounds-philippines-r…\nStill so much to learn\, but always already so much to be thankful for.\nEveryone brought their A Game!\nMultiple metacal ls of deck choices!\nAll factions represented!\nTop3 all different IDs!\n& quot\;Quality games"\;-@Gerrett\n&\; as Joaq always puts it\, " \;This is why we play Netrunner."\;\n--bestgaem!\nOn deck choices\, I' m certainly not the best in using the powerful SiphonAnarch archetypes or Moon &\; Friends decks\, not even the viable-since-Worlds-to-Euros Boom Sync.\nI never thought I would be able to play CI7. After trying it for t he first time &\; winning my first Store Champs during Toycon\, I wante d to risk it in a bigger tourney.\nI studied the Cookbook but CI7 is easie r today because of all the new Clearances paving the way to draw your deck despite Power Shutdown errata.:D\nDyper is harder than it looks and works better as a surprise.:))\nDale has been saying Kate is better than the Ha ley build. He right.\nFirst game after SC Bye was Joaq:\nJoaquin Almirante plays the best "\;Good Netrunner"\;: maximizes fundamentals\, ana lyzes the better play\, plans turns not click\, and he's a stickler for th e timing structure haha. I have a high regard for his love of the game.\nI whiffed my Corp combo before (even when I was using Railgun)\, and I kind a did again. I managed to pull it off once\, but for the most part Employe e Strike shut my Corp down while being Siphoned to the ground before a ver y ripe Legwork.\nI later faced Joaq again for about 5 times on the day!\nC razy we had to face each other again in the finals!\nCut to top 8:\nAfter getting 1 agenda off Archives against Andre (who drew more money than ice) \, I used most of my 14 clicks getting a Keyholed FuturePerfect (and later the unpayable Obokata) off the FilmCritic (AgInfusion tech).\nI miserably lost against his E-strike Andy before finding out Top Cut played only one (thankfully the first) side lol.\n2nd match I finally win against Joaq's Medium dig by hiding all the agendas in HQ.\nNext was CerebralImaging vers us the distruptive DLR MaxX.\nWhat felt like a race between setting up for the first of many sihpons+Mill and drawing all the pieces I needed\, I tr iple-iced HQ.\nHis heap however was completing the conspiracy breakers.\nS o much for my swordsmen.\nThe big make-or-break turn opened with Siphon wh ile a third of R&\;D was left.\nWith all the credits I had left\, I pre ssed the panic button to siphon myself!\nI drew the rest of my deck\, coun ting\, leaving just enough (4) for when DLR comes down.\nHe siphoned my re maining credit\, installed Data Leak Reversal\,\nproceeded to mill with th e remaining Joshua B. clicks.\nWith zero creds\, I mandatory draw the last card and use Reuse for the first time.\nI chuck about half of my 30-card HQ to gain a ton of credits.\nThen double Biotic to regain a full turn wor th of clicks.\nThen Combo out. really slowly\, carefully scoring 7 points. \nAs with most of my matchups vs the great @Kookoobah 先生 my last turn really takes a lot of time before I get daleswept. I've only won once ever a few tourneys ago (by sneaking out an agenda among spammed assets).\nTod ay marked the 2nd time. Had to take a blurry pic with my old phone lel.\nA fter a long wait (goodtalks with Milan &\; Jagunap) while the others ha d very intense &\; epic matchups\,\neverybody else left for home and th en my wife arrives for the Finals.\nI lost again with CI vs Joaq for our f irst finals match!\nThankfully twice to beat\, I made sure I didn't make t he same mistake when he quickly flatlined my Runner during swiss.\nI quick ly diesel'd for my anti-Sync tech (Nach) so I could avoid the over advance d BreakingNews tags leading to Boom!\nWith Leprechauns loaded with Hyperdr ivers\, I Mad Dash the protected remote servers &\; clear the JHow savi ors.\nI win Regionals with DDOS attacks on R&\;D with EquivoKation Keyh ole to "\;sift the most important data"\;.\nGGs.\nI'd like to than k my wife @Emem for her support. +30% Winrate (Mon) (Thank you all for cel ebrating us too.)\nI wouldn't be here in this cybergroup\, and out there I RL in the wild if it weren't for this awesome community.\nThank you wonder ful Fireswordfriends for a constant community of boardgames &\; this be st game. Godwin Raphael Tere David Gerrett Joaquin Teddy\, I treasure our Thursdays at NG Centris &\; the Ap!\nThank you Quimpos Dale Claudia Ni ño and their school of Netrunner &\; Life.\nThank you Neutral Grounds &\; Kiko Xavier for the bigboxes\, organizing this Regionals &\; con tinually supporting ANR.\nThank you TheAppraisery's Joscar &\; Hesed fo r the datapacks and a home for many.\nThank you GamingLibrary &\; Danie l for keeping the game alive with plenty of accessible tournaments.\nI als o want to thank those who played before me\, and also those who taught me how to run better (Philippine School of Netrunner).\nI remember all the go od friends that I've made\, and we all miss everyone else who played the g ame.\nWe welcome players new &\; old to join this game that we love. Wh at a game\, Netrunner.