BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:766alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170814T190000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170814T235900 URL: LOCATION:9-11 Newmarket Rd\, Cambridge CB5 8EG\, UK SUMMARY:Cache Refresh GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Final Q2 prize kit\nalt-art Nero\, alt-art data raven\, Shaper click tracker + other assorted prize support!\nCache Refresh is in effect for deck building purposes only (regular 2 game match format\, no bidding mechanic)\n3 rounds of swiss\, no top cut\nFirst round starts 19:00 at The Burleigh Arms\n\nIn Cache Refresh\, players must construct decks using tr aditional deckbuilding rules and the NAPD Most Wanted List\, but from a mo re limited card pool. Players can use cards from only the following produc ts:\n\nOne copy of the Android: Netrunner Core Set\nThe Terminal Directive Campaign Expansion\nOne Deluxe Expansion\nThe current Data Cycle (Red San d)\nThe second most current Data Cycle (Flashpoint)\n\nEach player chooses which Deluxe Expansion they wish to use.\nCurrently\, the four Deluxe Exp ansions you can choose between are Creation and Control\; Honor and Profit \; Order and Chaos\; Data and Destiny.\nPlayers can choose different expan sions for their Corp and Runner Decks.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Final Q2 prize kit


alt-art Nero\, a lt-art data raven\, Shaper click tracker + other assorted prize support!\n

Cache Refresh is in effect for deck building purposes only (regular 2 game match format\, no bidding mechanic)


3 rounds of swiss\, no top cut


First round starts 19:00 at The Burleigh Arms


In Cache Refresh\, players must construct decks using traditional dec kbuilding rules and the NAPD Most Wanted List\, but from a more limited ca rd pool. Players can use cards from only the following products:


Each player chooses which Deluxe Expansion th ey wish to use.\nCurrently\, the four Deluxe Expansions you can choose bet ween are Creation and Control\; Honor and Profit\; Order and Chaos\; Data and Destiny.\nPlayers can choose different expansions for their Corp and R unner Decks.