BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:76alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20161210T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20161210T235900 URL: LOCATION:28 The Mall\, Bromley BR1 1TS\, UK SUMMARY:London - Warboar Games - SC CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWarboars Andr oid Netrunner Store Championship\nWe have our fully stocked cafe downstair s serving a wide range of food and drink including\, coffee\, hot chocolat e\, burgers\, paninis and a selection of alcoholic drinks to cool you off! \nLatest rules will be used with FFG.\n\nPrizes for the event are to follo w.\n\nWarboar Games combined with Paradice Board Game Cafe and the South E ast Gaming centre (SEGC) is London's biggest and the countries most divers e gaming venue.\nAble to support over 200 people\, including food and drin k\, ample toilet facilities\, table service for gaming and a licensed bar. \nWarboar stocks a massive range of hobby games and products and prides it self on great customer service and super prices.\n\nTransport\nWarboar is easily accessible from many major transport links.\nBuses include-\n61\,11 9\,126\,138\,146\,162\,208\,227\,246\,261\,269\,314\,320\,336\,352\,354\,3 58\,367\,402\nNight Buses- N3\,N47\nBromley South and Bromley North train stations are both only a couple of hundred meters walk to Warboar games.\n Bromley South serves trains from Victoria train station in as little as 16 minutes on a fast train. and various lines in kent\, including Canterbury and Sevenoaks.\n\nFood and Drink\nThe South East Gaming Centre inside War boar Games is well catered for refreshments\, a wide range of soft drinks\ , tea\, freshly roasted coffee and creamy hot chocolate are available. We also have a fully licensed bar\, with a wide range of alcoholic drinks!\n\ nAccomodation\nWarboar is near to various hotels\, but we would reccomend Travel lodge for great price and a good stay\n /hotels/564/London-Bromley-hotel?WT.tsrc=PPC&\;gclid=CLmHj9aZpMkCFSoOww od4MEEDA\nAs well as a wide variety of food and snacks.\nWarboar is a 10 m inute walk from this hotel.\n\nParking\nBromley town centre has a ton of p laces to park but the closest and easiest places to park are in the INTU s hopping centre\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html: 3685/


Warboars Android Netrunner Store Championship


We hav e our fully stocked cafe downstairs serving a wide range of food and drink including\, coffee\, hot chocolate\, burgers\, paninis and a selection of alcoholic drinks to cool you off!


Latest rules will be used with FFG.


Prizes for the event are to follow.


W arboar Games combined with Paradice Board Game Cafe and the South East Gam ing centre (SEGC) is London's biggest and the countries most diverse gamin g venue.\nAble to support over 200 people\, including food and drink\, amp le toilet facilities\, table service for gaming and a licensed bar.\nWarbo ar stocks a massive range of hobby games and products and prides itself on great customer service and super prices.



\n< p>Warboar is easily accessible from many major transport links.


Bu ses include-\n61\,119\,126\,138\,146\,162\,208\,227\,246\,261\,269\,314\,3 20\,336\,352\,354\,358\,367\,402


Night Buses- N3\,N47


Brom ley South and Bromley North train stations are both only a couple of hundr ed meters walk to Warboar games.


Bromley South serves trains from Victoria train station in as little as 16 minutes on a fast train. and var ious lines in kent\, including Canterbury and Sevenoaks.


F ood and Drink


The South East Gaming Centre inside Warboar Games is well catered for refreshments\, a wide range of soft drinks\, tea\, fresh ly roasted coffee and creamy hot chocolate are available. We also have a f ully licensed bar\, with a wide range of alcoholic drinks!




Warboar is near to various hotels\, but we would rec comend Travel lodge for great price and a good stay

\n\;gclid=CLmH j9aZpMkCFSoOwwod4MEEDA\nAs well as a wide variety of food and snacks.

\ n

Warboar is a 10 minute walk from this hotel.



Bromley town centre has a ton of places to park but the closest and easiest places to park are in the INTU shopping centre\n /bromley/centre-information/parking
