BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:747alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20170729T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20170729T235900 URL: LOCATION:40\, Jalan SS 22/25\, Bu 3\, 47400 Petaling Jaya\, Selangor\, Mala ysia SUMMARY:ANR Q3 GNK 2017 @ The Attic CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Put your tin foil hats on runners\, the conspiracy theories are running wild! Get up close and personal with the infamous Omar Keung\, bu t only if he deems you worthy of his time.\nANDROID: NETRUNNER | Q3 GNK 20 17\nDate: 29th July 2017 (Saturday)\nTime: 10.00AM – 4.00PM\nVenue: The ATTIC\nEntry Fee: RM 22 (Pay to TO on the day)\nFormat: Open Constructed ( NAPD Most Wanted List v1.2 will be in effect. Please refer to https://imag 703419fca5e/adn_mwl_v12_web.pdf)\nNo. of Rounds: 4 Swiss rounds (Minimum o f 8 players to start)\nSchedule:\nRegistration begins at 10:00AM.\nFirst r ound begins at 10:30AM.\n30min lunch break at 12.00PM (after first round). \nSet Legality: Sets released up to Blood and Water (Red Sands 4)\nPrizes: \n1st to 5rd place - Choice of 1 Alternate Art OMAR KEUNG (3 available) or 1 set click tracker (2 available)\, with 1st place having first pick and so on.\nAll participants - 2 Alternate Art TEAM SPONSORSHIP card\nLatecome rs Warning:\nDue to time constraints\, the organizers have to be strict wi th the time management during the event. Players arriving within the first 10 minutes after the start of the first game (10:30AM)\, may proceed with the game with no extra time allowed. If you arrive after the first 10 min utes\, you will be given a game loss for your first round and can only joi n the tournament at the second round. We thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the game day proceeds efficiently.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Put your tin foil hats on runners\, the con spiracy theories are running wild! Get up close and personal with the infa mous Omar Keung\, but only if he deems you worthy of his time.




Date: 29th July 2017 (Saturday)\nTim e: 10.00AM – 4.00PM\nVenue: The ATTIC\nEntry Fee: RM 22 (Pay to TO on th e day)


Format: Open Constructed (NAPD Most Wanted List v1.2 will b e in effect. Please refer to er_public/fa/84/fa84c620-cd7e-4c6c-96bd-c703419fca5e/adn_mwl_v12_web.pdf)< /p>\n

No. of Rounds: 4 Swiss rounds (Minimum of 8 players to start)

\ n

Schedule:\nRegistration begins at 10:00AM.\nFirst round begins at 10:3 0AM.\n30min lunch break at 12.00PM (after first round).


Set Legali ty: Sets released up to Blood and Water (Red Sands 4)



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1st to 5rd place - Choice of 1 Alternate Art OMAR KEUNG (3 available) or 1 set click tracker (2 available)\, with 1st place having first pick an d so on.


All participants - 2 Alternate Art TEAM SPONSORSHIP card< /p>\n

Latecomers Warning:\nDue to time constraints\, the organizers have to be strict with the time management during the event. Players arriving within the first 10 minutes after the start of the first game (10:30AM)\, may proceed with the game with no extra time allowed. If you arrive after the first 10 minutes\, you will be given a game loss for your first round and can only join the tournament at the second round. We thank you for you r cooperation in ensuring the game day proceeds efficiently.