BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:74alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20161203T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20161203T235900 URL: LOCATION:9 St Gregory's Alley\, Norwich\, Norwich\, Norfolk NR2 1ER\, UK SUMMARY:Norwich - Athena Games - SC CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nTournament s eason has begun\, and Netrunner is one of the first few store championship s Athena Games will be running. This is the first step on the road to worl ds 2017\, do you have what it takes to hack your way to the ultimate prize ? Good luck to you\, runner.\nFormat:\nA Swiss Tournament consisting of 65 minute rounds. Number of rounds depends on the number of participants. Af ter the swiss will be a top cut of players who will then play each other i n double elimination rounds of 40 minutes. The final will be a 1 hour elim ination round.\nDecklists will be required for this event\, to be submitte d at registration.\nEntry Price: £5\nPrize Support\n\n\nFirst Place - A c olour printed plaque and first round bye to a 2017 Netrunner Regional Cham pionship of their choice.\n\n\nTop 2 - A printed acrylic token to be used with the card "\;Femme Fatale"\;\n\n\nTop 4 - A playmat depicting some Anarchs ready to run amok\,\n\n\nTop 8 - A deckbox to hold your asset s and hardware in.\n\n\nTop 32 - An alternate art card "\;Pad Campaign "\;.\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html: 33572/


Tournament season has begun\, and Netrunner is one of the f irst few store championships Athena Games will be running. This is the fir st step on the road to worlds 2017\, do you have what it takes to hack you r way to the ultimate prize? Good luck to you\, runner.


Format:\nA Swiss Tournament consisting of 65 minute rounds. Number of rounds depends on the number of participants. After the swiss will be a top cut of playe rs who will then play each other in double elimination rounds of 40 minute s. The final will be a 1 hour elimination round.


Decklists will be required for this event\, to be submitted at registration.


Entry Price: £5


Prize Support