BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:713alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170722T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170722T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Brighton GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to another Quarterly Event at the Dice Saloon.\nYou'll be competing for the prizes from the Netrunner Q2 pack containing\;\n16x D ata Raven alt art cards\n2x Nero Severn alt art\nShaper click-tracker.\n24 players max\n5 rounds of swiss\, rounds dependent on attendance\n£6.00 - Entry\n10:30 - Registration\n11:00 - first round\nLunch break after round 2 for 30mins\nThe most current MWL will be in effect.\nAll data packs rel eased up until 7 days before the event will be legal.\nWe kindly ask that no outside food and drink be brought on to the premises. We do sell coffee \, teas\, panini's and other nibbles. Please make us aware if you have any dietary requirements and we can try and provide for you on the day.\nPlea se Note: Refunds can only be issued on tickets up to 14 days before the ev ent.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Welcome to another Quarterly Event at the D ice Saloon.\nYou'll be competing for the prizes from the Netrunner Q2 pack containing\;\n16x Data Raven alt art cards\n2x Nero Severn alt art\nShape r click-tracker.


24 players max\n5 rounds of swiss\, rounds depend ent on attendance\n£6.00 - Entry\n10:30 - Registration\n11:00 - first rou nd\nLunch break after round 2 for 30mins\nThe most current MWL will be in effect.\nAll data packs released up until 7 days before the event will be legal.


We kindly ask that no outside food and drink be brought on to the premises. We do sell coffee\, teas\, panini's and other nibbles. Pl ease make us aware if you have any dietary requirements and we can try and provide for you on the day.


Please Note: Refunds can only be issu ed on tickets up to 14 days before the event.