BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:708alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170812T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170812T235900 URL: 017 LOCATION:Willem Wilminkplein 1\, 7511 PG Enschede\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Dutch Netrunner Nationals 2017 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:All Netrunners are invited to take part in the Dutch Netrunner National Championships 2017. These will take place on Saturday\, the 12th of August\, with side events on the surrounding days to make for a weekend full of breaking into servers\, stealing agendas and fun!\n\nAll info you need:\n↳ Date: 12.08\n ↳ Doors open: 10.00\n↳ Signin: Until 10.45\n↳ First round start: 11. 00\n↳ TO: Elwin “Jakuza”\n↳ Participation: € 20\,-*\n↳ Max cap acity: 60 (expanded from 40)\n↳ Pre registration tickets: Pre registrati on tickets (sold out)\nPre registration: Sold out.\nEvent is at max capaci ty.\nInterested\, but not registered players are welcome to contact the TO (Elwin / Jakuza)\, as a small number of seats might free up in the coming week. The TO will be keeping a reserve list for these\, on a first come\, first serve basis.\n\nTournament\nWe expect to run the event in 5 Swiss r ounds\, with double elimination Top 8 as per standard FFG tournament regul ations. If we hit max capacity in preregistration and expand capacity\, th e number of Swiss rounds will possibly be increased to 6.\nSwiss rounds an d the final cut will be taking place on the same day\; Saturday.\nWhilst t he Dutch National Championships are concentrated on a single day by design \, side events are planned for the surrounding day\; friday (11th of Augus t) and sunday afterwards (13th of August). Details to be announced soon.\n \nLocation\nWe’ve chosen to host the Dutch National Championships in one of the most prolific venues of the region\; the Muziekkwartier. The enti re event on the 12th of August will take place in an intimate but very acc ommodating hall within the venue. The Muziekkwartier is based squarely in the middle of Enschede\, sitting next to the trainstation and with parkin g opportunities within walking distance.\nOne of the halls within the Muzi ekkwartier. Use the Kaliber Kunstenschool entrance (Kaliber School of Arts \, exact address listed below) to enter the building. You will be directed to the Netrunner National Championships.\nAddress\nKaliber Kunstenschool\ nWillem Wilminkplein 1\n7511 PG – Enschede\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

All Netrunners are invited to take part in the Dutch Netrunner National Championships 2017. These will take place on Saturday\, the 12th of August\, with side events on the surrounding days t o make for a weekend full of breaking into servers\, stealing agendas and fun!




All info you need: < a href=\"\">http://www.Net


Date: 12.08\n↳ Doors open: 10.00\n↳ Signin: Until 10.45\n↳ First round start: 11.00


↳ < strong>TO: Elwin “Jakuza”


Participation:< /strong> € 20\,-*\n↳ Max capacity: 60 (expanded from 40)\n↳ Pre registration tickets: Pre re gistration tickets (sold out)


Pre registration: Sold out.


Event is at max capacity.


Interested\, but not registered players are welcome to contact the TO (Elwin / Jakuza)\, as a small number of seats might free up in the coming week. The TO will be keeping a reser ve list for these\, on a first come\, first serve basis.




We expect to run the event in 5 Swiss rounds\, with do uble elimination Top 8 as per standard FFG tournament regulations. If we h it max capacity in preregistration and expand capacity\, the number of Swi ss rounds will possibly be increased to 6.


Swiss rounds an d the final cut will be taking place on the same day\; Saturday.< /p>\n

Whilst the Dutch National Championships are concentrated on a sing le day by design\, side events are planned for the surrounding day\; frida y (11th of August) and sunday afterwards (13th of August). Details to be a nnounced soon.




We’ve chosen to host t he Dutch National Championships in one of the most prolific venues of the region\; the Muziekkwartier. The entire event on the 12th of August will take place in an intimate but very accommodating hall within the venue. Th e Muziekkwartier is based squarely in the middle of Enschede\, sitting nex t to the trainstation and with parking opportunities within walking dista nce.


One of the halls within the Muziekkwartier. Use the Kaliber K unstenschool entrance (Kaliber School of Arts\, exact address listed below ) to enter the building. You will be directed to the Netrunner National Ch ampionships.




Kaliber Kunstenschoo l\nWillem Wilminkplein 1\n7511 PG – Enschede
