BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:707alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170805T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170805T235900 URL: ool-15k SUMMARY:Find the truth. Open. Prize Pool £1.5K CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come and join us\, at the premier gaming destination in the Sou th East\, for our SUMMER OF GAMING! A series of large scale events for the games we love\, with prizes to match!\nNext up we have our Android Netrun ner event!\nTake on the role of corporate cyber security\, or underworld h acker in a dystopian future of Mega Corporation power and influence. Who w ill come out on top across our epic weekend of gaming!\nFormat : Construct ed\nFantasy Flight Games Advanced Structure format\nEntry fee : £15\nCard pool : All released LCG packs\nBanned/ Restrictions: As per the 'Most Wa nted' list.\nPrize Pool : £1.5K\nFirst prize : £500 guaranteed\nOther pr izes and side events to be announced. Including the most exciting tourname nt prize ever (well we think it is pretty awesome)!\nLimited to : 128 play ers\n2 day event\, cut to Top X\, depending on number of players\, day 2 r un on double elimination rounds\nContinuous side events\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Come and join us\, at the premier gaming de stination in the South East\, for our SUMMER OF GAMING! A series of large scale events for the games we love\, with prizes to match!


Next up we have our Android Netrunner event!\nTake on the role of corporate cyber security\, or underworld hacker in a dystopian future of Mega Corporation power and influence. Who will come out on top across our epic weekend of gaming!


Format : Constructed\nFantasy Flight Games Advanced Struct ure format


Entry fee : £15


Card pool : All released LCG p acks


Banned/ Restrictions: As per the 'Most Wanted' list.


Prize Pool : £1.5K\nFirst prize : £500 guaranteed\nOther prizes and sid e events to be announced. Including the most exciting tournament prize eve r (well we think it is pretty awesome)!


Limited to : 128 players\n

2 day event\, cut to Top X\, depending on number of players\, day 2 run on double elimination rounds\nContinuous side events