BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:702alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170716T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170716T235900 URL: de-tafelridder-leide LOCATION:Oude Herengracht 11A\, 2312 LN Leiden\, Netherlands SUMMARY:3rd Annual Netrunner Blitz | De Tafelridder (Leide CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nThe Annual Blitz event is back and this time\, boy do we have a lot of awesome stuff for you! After its success in the last two years a nd after plenty of feedback from the community\, we are bringing it back e ven stronger!\nJust like we did in the past 2 years\, we will be running t he event on a single day with a Swiss format of 6 to 7 rounds\, each one c onsisting of 35 minutes each.\nBring your wackiest and fastest decks you h ave and join us in Leiden at De Tafelridder for a day of quick Netrunner. Play with high stakes as the prizes provided for the top finishers will be beyond awesome!\nWe kindly advise people to not bring slow decks\, or dec ks that they do not know all that well (e.g. first time playing Geist\, Mo oninites or CI Glacier). Fast playing is key for the Blitz event to be fun .\nThis is a community-ran event with half of the prize pool being provide d by the store and the other half by the community. Therefore\, half of th e proceedings will go back to the community!\nSwift plays can either be re warding or just lead you to a fast flatline. Are you up for the speedruns? \;)\n\nTournament Format: Structured Blitz (Casual but with 35 minutes pe r round)\n\nLocation ~ Leiden ~ De Tafelridder\n\nInformation subject to c hange on the store owner's or TO's discretion!\nTO: Constantine Kelfecil C hr\nSign up: 11:00\nStart 11:15\nPrice of admission: 15\,- €\nPrizes: Lo ts and lots of rare things! (Check picture post below)\nRounds: 6 to 7\n(T ournament will go as fast as a normal one since the rounds are so short)\n \nPLEASE SIGN-UP if you're coming so that we know who to expect!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nThe Annual Blitz event is back and this time\, b oy do we have a lot of awesome stuff for you! After its success in the las t two years and after plenty of feedback from the community\, we are bring ing it back even stronger!
\nJust like we did in the past 2 years\, we will be running the event on a single day with a Swiss format of 6 to 7 rounds\, each one consisting of 35 minutes each.
\nBring your wacki est and fastest decks you have and join us in Leiden at De Tafelridder for a day of quick Netrunner. Play with high stakes as the prizes provided fo r the top finishers will be beyond awesome!
\nWe kindly advise peopl e to not bring slow decks\, or decks that they do not know all that well ( e.g. first time playing Geist\, Mooninites or CI Glacier). Fast playing is key for the Blitz event to be fun.
\nThis is a community-ran event with half of the prize pool being provided by the store and the other half by the community. Therefore\, half of the proceedings will go back to the community!
\nSwift plays can either be rewarding or just lead you t o a fast flatline. Are you up for the speedruns? \;)
\nTourn ament Format: Structured Blitz (Casual but with 35 minutes per round)
\ nLocation ~ Leiden ~ De Tafelridder
\nInformation subject to change on the store owner's or TO's discretion!
\nTO: Co nstantine Kelfecil Chr\nSign up: 11:00\nStart 11:15\nPrice of admission: 1 5\,- €\nPrizes: Lots and lots of rare things! (Check picture post below) \nRounds: 6 to 7\n(Tournament will go as fast as a normal one since the ro unds are so short)
\nPLEASE SIGN-UP if you're coming so that we know who to expect!