BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:696alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Bratislava:20171007T090000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Bratislava:20171007T235900 URL: ava-sk LOCATION:Trenčianska 453/47\, 821 09 Bratislava\, Slovakia SUMMARY:CZ/SK Nationals 2017\, Bratislava (SK) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\n\nSaturday 7. 10. 2017\nLong day running\nSwiss rounds + TOP CUP\nSign up from: 09:30\n1st round start: 10:30\nPrice of admission:\n\n2 0\,- € for registered player via form until 3. 10. 2017\n25\,- € for r egistered players after 3. 10. 2017 or non-registered players via form\n\n Registration form.: REGISTRATION FORM\n\nMAIN TOURNAMENT\nPrizes: \nTop 64 – Earn your spot in the Top 64\, tag your opponent\, and blow them to s mithereens with this alternate art BOOM!\nTop 16 – Ten red acrylic 5 cre dit tokens will be the reward for each competitor who spends wisely and pl aces among the Top 16!\nTop 8 – This visually stunning art on a playmat that showcases its bearer's fantastic finish awaits each of the Top 8 comp etitors.\nTop 4 – This gorgeous new card tray prize has two different po ssibilities. It can be mounted on a wall as a plaque to commemorate a Top 4 finish\, perhaps including a crucial card from your deck. Or\, it can be ar your ID card in future games\, instilling the fear of facing a superior runner in potential opponents.\nChampion – Each National Champion earns an incredible color trophy featuring art from the Android: Netrunner Core Set to commemorate their victory! In addition\, a bye and a free reserved seat awaits them at the next World Championship!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Saturday 7. 10. 2017


Long day running


Swiss rounds + TOP CUP


Sign up from: 09:30\n1st round sta rt: 10:30\nPrice of admission:


Registration form.: REGISTRATION FORM




Prizes: \"Image\"

\ n

Top 64 – Earn your spot in the Top 64\, tag your op ponent\, and blow them to smithereens with this alternate art BOOM!\nTop 16 – Ten red acrylic 5 credit tokens will be the reward for each competitor who spends wisely and places among the Top 16!\nTop 8 – This visually stunning art on a playmat that showcase s its bearer's fantastic finish awaits each of the Top 8 competitors.\nTop 4 – This gorgeous new card tray prize has two differen t possibilities. It can be mounted on a wall as a plaque to commemorate a Top 4 finish\, perhaps including a crucial card from your deck. Or\, it ca n bear your ID card in future games\, instilling the fear of facing a supe rior runner in potential opponents.\nChampion – Each Na tional Champion earns an incredible color trophy featuring art from the An droid: Netrunner Core Set to commemorate their victory! In addition\, a by e and a free reserved seat awaits them at the next World Championship!