BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:692alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20170805T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20170805T235900 URL: LOCATION:391 S Main St\, Pleasant Grove\, UT 840062\, USA SUMMARY:Blakfyre Games CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Blakfyre Games Netrunner Regional Championship. Registration st arts at 10am. The tournament will begin promptly at 11. Number of rounds a nd size of cut will be determined per tournament regulations.\nWhich can b e found here.\nEntry: $20.00\nRegistration: 10:00 AM\nRound 1 will begin a t 11:00 AM\nPrizes:\n\nTop 64 – These players will receive a copy of the Ele ‘Smoke’ Scovak alternate art card. Stealth icebreakers can be ext remely powerful and efficient tools\, but are limited by the fact that you can only power them with resources from cards with the stealth subtypes. Smoke is here and can easily bring those tools to bear.\n*​ Top 16 – T hese players will receive a set of acrylic credit tokens. Show off your cr edits with extra flair by winning a set of these tokens! You get five 1 cr edit tokens and five 3 credit tokens with this set!\nTop 8 – The top eig ht players will receive a playmat featuring the art from the card Find the Truth.\nTop 4 – The top four players will receive a double-sided\, plas tic\, spot-glossed Identity card featuring Jemison Aeronautics and Los\, D ata Hijacker.\nFirst Place – The winner will receive a colored trophy\, a first round bye to a 2017 or 2018 Android: Netrunner National Championsh ip\, and a reserved seat at the 2017 Android: Netrunner World Championship s.\n\nFAQ\nMWL\nWe are currently planning on streaming this event. twitch .tv/hackaholics\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Blakfyre Games Netrunner Regional Champions hip. Registration starts at 10am. The tournament will begin promptly at 11 . Number of rounds and size of cut will be determined per tournament regul ations.


Which can be found here.


Entry: $20.00\nRegistrat ion: 10:00 AM\nRound 1 will begin at 11:00 AM








We are currently planning on streaming this even t.