BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:690alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20170624T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20170624T235900 URL: he-midwest LOCATION:334 W Mifflin St\, Madison\, WI 53703\, USA SUMMARY:Android Netrunner: Apex Of The Midwest CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nNetherworld Games is proud to host the first ever Apex of the Midwest Championship.\nThis will be a swiss style tournament with a cut t o top4 or top8\, depending on # of entrants\, with double elimination roun ds in the top cut.\n10:00am registration\, 10:45am start. All players will be expected to bring 1 corporation and 1 runner deck with both decks adhe ring to the current MWL and deckbuilding restrictions. You will also be re quired to fill out and submit decklists for both of your decks as this eve nt will be the highest tier of rules enforcement.\nThis tournament will be a $15 entry fee with cash payouts to top finishers as well as participati on and door prizes.\nCome and test your might against some of the best in the midwest\; to be crowned: Apex of the Midwest.\nIts even rumored that P rincess Space Kitten will make an appearance!\nLocation:\nNetherworld Game s\n334 West Mifflin St.\nMadison\, WI 53703\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Netherworld Games is proud to host the first ev er Apex of the Midwest Championship.\nThis will be a swiss style tournamen t with a cut to top4 or top8\, depending on # of entrants\, with double el imination rounds in the top cut.


10:00am registration\, 10:45am st art. All players will be expected to bring 1 corporation and 1 runner deck with both decks adhering to the current MWL and deckbuilding restrictions . You will also be required to fill out and submit decklists for both of y our decks as this event will be the highest tier of rules enforcement.


This tournament will be a $15 entry fee with cash payouts to top fini shers as well as participation and door prizes.


Come and test your might against some of the best in the midwest\; to be crowned: Apex of th e Midwest.


Its even rumored that Princess Space Kitten will make a n appearance!


Location:\nNetherworld Games\n334 West Mifflin St.\n Madison\, WI 53703