BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:689alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20170624T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20170624T235900 URL: ship LOCATION:2 Mascoma St\, Lebanon\, NH 03766\, USA SUMMARY:Netrunner Regional Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nFormat: Formal with advanced rules event using the standard t ournament rules.\nTime: Registration begins at 10AM\, tournament starts at 11AM\nEntry: $15 Pre-register to secure your spot!\nFree entry for the fo llowing people:\n-Former Regional champions (2014 &\; after)\n-Former N orth-American champions\n-Former National champions\n-Former World champio ns\nIn order to get free entry\, be sure to send an email to carlogozzi197 before June 23rd at noon stating which tournament you won &a mp\; the year.\nPrizes: Fabulous swag from the official FFG Regional kit a s well as some exclusive items provided by Black Moon Games!\nPlease make sure you bring all required materials to play\, as well as a decklist. If you do not fill out a decklist in advance\, show up early enough to fill o ne out prior to 11AM.\n\nPost Tournament Information:\n\n11 regional byes redeemed\nPeople from VT\, NH\, MA\, CT\, RI\, NY and Montreal (Quebec\, C anada) attended\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Format: Formal with advanced rules event using the standard tournament rules.
\nTime: Registration begins at 10AM\ , tournament starts at 11AM
\nEntry: $15 Pre-register to secure your spot!
\nFree entry for the following people:\n-Former Regional champions (2014 &\; after)\n-Former North-American champions\n-Former National champions\n-Former World champ ions\nIn order to get free entry\, be sure to send an email to carlogozzi1 before June 23rd at noon stating which tournament you won &\; the year.
\nPrizes: Fabulous swag from the official FFG Regio nal kit as well as some exclusive items provided by Black Moon Games!
\ nPlease make sure you bring all required materials to play\, as well as a decklist. If you do not fill out a decklist in advance\, show up early enough to fill one out prior to 11AM.
\nPost Tournament Info rmation: