BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:688alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20171022T083000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20171022T235900 URL: LOCATION:Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 18-20\, 45127 Essen\, Germany SUMMARY:Euregio 7 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:After Top 3 Cut:\n\nJan\nFelix\nMiriam\n\nHere are some statist ics :\n a?dl=0\n\n\nHello Euregio Fans\,\nFinally\, Euregio 7 is organized...\nUn fortunately not on one of the dates I had asked about earlier\, but better a date than no date\, right?\nMany thanks to an d Heidelerberger/Asmodée for the generous prize support. Thank you all!!\ nThere will be a lot of interesting promos for the players to choose from: \n• Double-sided aluminum ID - ETF &\; Stonger together (Fan made)\n • Double-sided „carbon“ ID - Blue Sun &\; Argus (Fan made)\n• 4 Euregio SMC playmats\n• Some Chronos Projects\n• Dataravens\n• And much more\n#############################################\nRoom: Winter-Gar den / Conservatory at the Unperfekthaus Essen\, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 18\, 45127 Essen-City\nVenue open from : 8:00 am\nCheck In: 8:30 am - 9:15 am\n Round 1 starts: 9:30 am\nPlaned end : 19:30 pm (variable)\nStarting Fee: 1 0€\nPre-Registration:\nTO / The Troll (Judge): R ené aka Dalhill\n#############################################\nIMPORTANT :\nPre-Registration is mandatory! I need to know how many plan to come to let to venue know..\nPlease pay the starting fee for the Euregio event at the check - in.\nThe starting fee does NOT contain the entry fee for the l ocation. But the entry fee for the Unperfekthaus includes: Coffee\, cappuc cino\, milk coffee\, many teas\, coke\, sodas\, water\, cocoa\, sprinkles. ..\nTwo different entry fee options:\n€ 6\,90 - Expires when you leave t he building\n€ 11\,90 - For one day\, you can come and go freely during that day\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
After Top 3 Cut:
\nHere are some statistics :\nhttp s://
\ nHello Euregio Fans\,
\nFinally\, Euregio 7 is o rganized...
\nUnfortunately not on one of the dates I had asked abou t earlier\, but better a date than no date\, right?
\nMany thanks to and Heidelerberger/Asmodée for the generous pr ize support. Thank you all!!
\nThere will be a lot of interesting pr omos for the players to choose from:
\n• Double-sided aluminum ID - ETF &\; Stonger together (Fan made)\n• Double-sided „carbon“ ID - Blue Sun &\; Argus (Fan made)\n• 4 Euregio SMC playmats\n• Some Chronos Projects\n• Dataravens\n• And much more
\n############## ###############################\nRoom: Winter-Garden / Conservatory at the Unperfekthaus Essen\, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 18\, 45127 Essen-City\nVenue o pen from : 8:00 am\nCheck In: 8:30 am - 9:15 am\nRound 1 starts: 9:30 am\n Planed end : 19:30 pm (variable)\nStarting Fee: 10€\nPre-Registration: e\nTO / The Troll (Judge): René aka Dalhill\n####### ######################################
\nPre-Regi stration is mandatory! I need to know how many plan to come to let to venu e know..
\nPlease pay the starting fee for the Euregio event at the check - in.
\nThe starting fee does NOT contain the entry fee for th e location. But the entry fee for the Unperfekthaus includes: Coffee\, cap puccino\, milk coffee\, many teas\, coke\, sodas\, water\, cocoa\, sprinkl es...
\nTwo different entry fee options:
\n€ 6\,90 - Expires when you leave the building\n€ 11\,90 - For one day\, you can come and go freely during that day