BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:685alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170729T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170729T235900 URL: mes LOCATION:17 Eldon Way\, Hockley SS5 4AD\, UK SUMMARY:Regional - Hockley -Wayland Games CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Details\nWayland Games Are Proud To Anounce That We Will Be Hos ting The South East Regional Championship for Android Netrunner On The 29t h of July 2017.\nThis event is a premier tier tournament and will follow a ll of the tournament rules which can be found at\nhttps://www.fantasyfligh\nPlease Note that we will be running 6 rounds and a top 16 cut. The Cut will be running the rul es for Championship Play (round times are only 35 minutes during champions hip play).\nEach player will need to bring decklists\, which can be filled out on this form (if you dont have a printer we will have sheets availabl e on the day)\n 0/8830ff50-cb14-409f-9f70-37a94acd300c/netrunner-deck-sheet.pdf\nPrize Sup port\n(details to be finalised by FFG)\n\nTop 64 Players - tournament-lega l alternate art card from the game\nTop 4 / Top 8 - Limited edition compon ents and items to commemorate the accomplishments of top competitors.\nFir st Place - One card worth a prize bye at the game's National Championship tournament.\nFirst Place - Custom acrylic trophy\n\nEntry £15\nCapacity 6 4 Players\n10:00 - 10:30 Registration\n10:30 - 11:35 Round 1\n11:45 - 12:5 0 Round 2\n13:00 - 13:45 Lunch\n13:45 - 14:55 Round 3\n15:00 - 16:05 Round 4\n16:05 - 16:15 Break\n16:15 - 17:20 Round 5\n17:30 - 18:35 Round 6\n18: 45 Top 16 Cut and Participation Prizes\n19:00 - 19:35 Top 16\n19:45 - 20:2 0 Top 8 Double Elimination till finish.\nPre-registration is strongly advi sed to secure your place.\nMore details will be added nearer the time.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Wayland Games Are Proud To Anounce That We Will Be Hosting The South East Regional Championship for A ndroid Netrunner On The 29th of July 2017.


This event is a premier tier tournament and will follow all of the tournament rules which can be found at

\n ner-organized-play/


Please Note that we will be running 6 rounds a nd a top 16 cut. The Cut will be running the rules for Championship Play ( round times are only 35 minutes during championship play).


Each pl ayer will need to bring decklists\, which can be filled out on this form ( if you dont have a printer we will have sheets available on the day)

\n b14-409f-9f70-37a94acd300c/netrunner-deck-sheet.pdf


Prize Support\ n(details to be finalised by FFG)


Entry £15


Capacity 64 Players


10 :00 - 10:30 Registration\n10:30 - 11:35 Round 1\n11:45 - 12:50 Round 2\n13 :00 - 13:45 Lunch\n13:45 - 14:55 Round 3\n15:00 - 16:05 Round 4\n16:05 - 1 6:15 Break\n16:15 - 17:20 Round 5\n17:30 - 18:35 Round 6\n18:45 Top 16 Cut and Participation Prizes\n19:00 - 19:35 Top 16\n19:45 - 20:20 Top 8 Doubl e Elimination till finish.


Pre-registration is strongly advised to secure your place.


More details will be added nearer the time.