BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:684alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20170826T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20170826T235900 URL: SUMMARY:FFG Nordic Championships CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:It's been in the works for a while – and some of you have alr eady heard rumours\, but we're finally ready to announce this year's itera tion of the Nordic Championships in the two big Living Card Games from Fan tasy Flight Games – Android: Netrunner and A Game of Thrones.\nWe are ex tremely honoured for the opportunity to host this premier event in Varberg \, Sweden this year – hopefully with that nice late August sun still shi ning on us.\nWe're still working out a few details\, but please make a (bi g) circle in your calendars for this event. Start/end times are approximat es and subject to change. Ticket reservations will open in the next couple of weeks.\nHoping to see a lot of our Nordic region's finest players for a great weekend of gaming!\nLink to google docs with accommodation : http: //\nPre-registration site is Online : ffg-nordic-championships-biljetter-207927\nUPDATE: For the side events the latest packs\, Crimson Dust and Oberyn's Revenge WILL be legal for play. Crimson Dust cards will be allowed in the A:NR Cache Refresh event. Oberyn 's Revenge cards will be legal for play in the AGoT melee side event. Plea se notify your closest deck builder.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

It's been in the works for a while – and some of you have already heard rumours\, but we're finally ready to announ ce this year's iteration of the Nordic Championships in the two big Living Card Games from Fantasy Flight Games – Android: Netrunner and A Game of Thrones.


We are extremely honoured for the opportunity to host th is premier event in Varberg\, Sweden this year – hopefully with that nic e late August sun still shining on us.


We're still working out a f ew details\, but please make a (big) circle in your calendars for this eve nt. Start/end times are approximates and subject to change. Ticket reserva tions will open in the next couple of weeks.


Hoping to see a lot o f our Nordic region's finest players for a great weekend of gaming!

\n< p>Link to google docs with accommodation :\nPre-regi stration site is Online : iljetter-207927


UPDATE: For the side events the latest packs\, Cri mson Dust and Oberyn's Revenge WILL be legal for play. Crimson Dust cards will be allowed in the A:NR Cache Refresh event. Oberyn's Revenge cards wi ll be legal for play in the AGoT melee side event. Please notify your clos est deck builder.