BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:677alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20170624T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20170624T235900 URL: LOCATION:478 Ipswich Rd\, Annerley QLD 4103\, Australia SUMMARY:Queensland Regionals CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Ace Comics and Games at Annerley are very proud to announce tha t this year they are hosting the 2017 Queensland Regional event for Androi d: Netrunner Living Card Game.\nWe will be looking at hosting and running side events on the day for those who do not make the top cut or have a bye . Details for these will be in the comment section at a later date.\n$30 e ntry for the event\n10am Registration for 10.30am start\nSwiss rounds with the top cut being commenced at the end of swiss rounds. Rounds and cut de termined by number of attendees\nBring a legal deck for corp and runner an d a completed decklist. FFG Tournament rules will be enforced. MWL rules a pply to all deck construction with decks checks being done at the beginnin g of the day and throughout. This is a premier level event and all particp ants are required to know a good level of knowlodge of rules and tournamen t procedures which are available on FFG website\nPrizes include (but are n ot limited to): Exclusive Playmats\, promo cards\, deckboxes and more\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Ace Comics and Games at Annerley are very p roud to announce that this year they are hosting the 2017 Queensland Regio nal event for Android: Netrunner Living Card Game.


We will be look ing at hosting and running side events on the day for those who do not mak e the top cut or have a bye. Details for these will be in the comment sect ion at a later date.


$30 entry for the event\n10am Registration fo r 10.30am start\nSwiss rounds with the top cut being commenced at the end of swiss rounds. Rounds and cut determined by number of attendees


Bring a legal deck for corp and runner and a completed decklist. FFG Tourn ament rules will be enforced. MWL rules apply to all deck construction wit h decks checks being done at the beginning of the day and throughout. This is a premier level event and all particpants are required to know a good level of knowlodge of rules and tournament procedures which are available on FFG website


Prizes include (but are not limited to): Exclusive Playmats\, promo cards\, deckboxes and more