BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:675alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170604T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170604T235900 URL: e-event-european-championships LOCATION:National Exhibition Centre ltd\, National Exhibition Centre\, Mars ton Green\, Birmingham B40 1NT\, UK SUMMARY:Netrunner Cache Refresh side event - European Championships CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Sunday\, the 4th of June\, we'll be organizing a community run Cache Refresh side event at the UK Games Expo.\n↳ Format: Cache Refresh\ n↳ Start: 11.00\n↳ TO: Elwin "\;Jakuza"\;\n↳ Participation: Free for all ANR Euro Championship participants\nImportant: Cache Refresh cardpool\, but no bidding. We'll play regular double sided swiss (you play both sides in a round).\nAs we aren't timebound and trying to schedule ro unds to coincide with a Regional top cut\, we will not be using the biddin g system. We are mainly looking to have a fun alt format side event and to explore this new format's cardpool.\n↳ Cardpool:\n1 Coreset*\n1 Termina l Directive\n1 Big box of choice\nFlashpoint cycle\nRed Sands cycle\n↳ L atest legal datapack: Station One.\n↳ Earth's Scion is NOT legal.\n\n1 C oreset: So only 1x Desperado\, 1x SanSan City Grid\, only 2x Account Sipho n\, 2x Magnum Opus\, etc.\n\n↳ Registration: Recommended &\; apprecia ted\, as this will give us an indication how many participants to expect. You can sign in by registering yourself as present at this event. We will have a max capacity of 64 players.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Sunday\, the 4th of June\, we'll be organiz ing a community run Cache Refresh side event at the UK Games Expo.
\n↳ Format: Cache Refresh\n↳ Start: 11.00\n↳ TO: Elwin "\;Jakuza& quot\;\n↳ Participation: Free for all ANR Euro Championship participants
\nImportant: Cache Refresh cardpool\, but no bidding. We'll play re gular double sided swiss (you play both sides in a round).
\nAs we a ren't timebound and trying to schedule rounds to coincide with a Regional top cut\, we will not be using the bidding system. We are mainly looking t o have a fun alt format side event and to explore this new format's cardpo ol.
\n↳ Cardpool:\n1 Coreset*
\n1 Terminal Directive\n1 Big b
ox of choice\nFlashpoint cycle\nRed Sands cycle
↳ Latest legal d atapack: Station One.\n↳ Earth's Scion is NOT legal.
\n↳ Registration: Recommended &am p\; appreciated\, as this will give us an indication how many participants to expect. You can sign in by registering yourself as present at this eve nt. We will have a max capacity of 64 players.
\n DTSTAMP:20250313T002638Z BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT120M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Netrunner Cache Refresh side event - European Championships END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR