BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:672alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20170702T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20170702T235900 URL: efresh LOCATION:1950 Market StSte E\, Concord\, CA 94520\, USA SUMMARY:Black Diamond Games: Cache Refresh CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This will be a relaxed tournament with prize support. All skill levels are welcome to participate and I'll be running demos for new playe rs.\nPrizes:\nTop 16 players: Alt-art copy of corp ICE\, Data Raven\nTop 3 players: Alt-art copy of runner ID\, Nero Severn\nTop 1 player: Acrylic S haper click trackers\nRegistration fee is $5\nAdvance registration is open now\, and available in-store.\nRegistration will be available same day fr om 10:00am-11:30am.\nCache Refresh is a new constructed format\, for NetRu nner\, which limits the card pool for a single deck to\;\n• 1 Android: N etrunner Core Set\n• 1 Deluxe Expansion\n• 1 Terminal Directive Campai gn Expansion\n• The current Data Cycle (Red Sand Cycle.)\n• The second -most current Data Cycle (Flashpoint Cycle.)\nPlease have two assembled de cks\, one runner and one corp\, ready when you arrive. Due to the LCG form at\, pre-assembled decks are not available for purchase day-of.\nIf you ar e new to the game but interested in joining\, feel free come by the store any Tuesday evening for our weekly LCG night. We're always willing to teac h and\, with no established meta and a tightly limited card pool\, cache r efresh is a fantastic entry point for new players.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
This will be a relaxed tournament with priz e support. All skill levels are welcome to participate and I'll be running demos for new players.
\nPrizes:\nTop 16 players: Alt-art copy of c orp ICE\, Data Raven\nTop 3 players: Alt-art copy of runner ID\, Nero Seve rn\nTop 1 player: Acrylic Shaper click trackers
\nRegistration fee i s $5\nAdvance registration is open now\, and available in-store.\nRegistra tion will be available same day from 10:00am-11:30am.
\nCache Refres h is a new constructed format\, for NetRunner\, which limits the card pool for a single deck to\;\n• 1 Android: Netrunner Core Set\n• 1 Deluxe E xpansion\n• 1 Terminal Directive Campaign Expansion\n• The current Dat a Cycle (Red Sand Cycle.)\n• The second-most current Data Cycle (Flashpo int Cycle.)
\nPlease have two assembled decks\, one runner and one c orp\, ready when you arrive. Due to the LCG format\, pre-assembled decks a re not available for purchase day-of.
\nIf you are new to the game b ut interested in joining\, feel free come by the store any Tuesday evening for our weekly LCG night. We're always willing to teach and\, with no est ablished meta and a tightly limited card pool\, cache refresh is a fantast ic entry point for new players.