BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:666alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20170624T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20170624T235900 URL: onal LOCATION:1406 Harlan Dr\, Bellevue\, NE 68005\, USA SUMMARY:Android: Netrunner 2017 Regional CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWelcome to The Game Shoppe’s\, 2017 Android: Netrunner Regi onal event! This event is capped at 120 participants\, and is first come\, first served. Prepaid preregistration will be honored first\, walk-ins wi ll be allowed\, if space allows.\nSaturday\, June 24th\, 2017\nThe Game Sh oppe\n1406 Harlan Dr\nBellevue\, NE 68005\n402-292-4263\nEntry Fee: $15.00 \nOnline Payment: Upon request\nRegistration: 9:30am – 10:45am\n1st Roun d: 11am – 12:05pm\nBreak: 10 minutes\n2nd Round: 12:15pm – 1:20pm\nLun ch Break: 40 minutes\n3rd Round: 2:00pm – 3:05pm\nBreak: 10 minutes\n4th Round: 3:15pm – 4:20pm 9-20 players Cut to Top 4 / 21-32 players\, Cut to Top 8\nBreak: 10 minutes\n5th Round: 4:30pm – 5:35pm\, 33-56 players\ , Cut to Top 8\n6th Round: 5:45pm – 6:50pm\, 57-80 players\, Cut to Top 8\nTournament Structure\nThe Advanced tournament structure caters to parti cipants that enjoy competition. This structure provides a robust tournamen t experience that requires a substantial commitment of time and resources from organizers and players. The Advanced Structure is used for Regional C hampionship events.\nTournament Round\nTimes Each tournament round of Andr oid: Netrunner is a predetermined length\, giving players a certain amount of time to complete their games. A leader should start the timer for a to urnament round after most players have found their seats and begun to set up. If a game has not concluded when the time for a tournament round runs out\, the players play until they have both completed a turn (see “End o f Game” on page 7). A tournament round’s length varies depending on th e type of round.\nSwiss Rounds: 65 minutes each\nFinals (when only two pla yers remain): 60 minutes\nTournament Points\nPlayers earn tournament point s at the end of each round based on both games during the round. At the en d of a tournament\, the player with the most tournament points wins the to urnament. In the case of a larger event\, they are instead used to determi ne who makes the cut to double elimination rounds. For each game\, players receive tournament points as follows:\n\nGame Win = 3 tournament points\n Modified Game Win = 2 tournament points\nDraw = 1 tournament point\nGame L oss = 0 tournament points\n\nTournament Materials\nDeck lists are required for this event. We will have blank ones on hand but\, printed deck lists are preferred.\nCard Sleeves\nPlayers are required to sleeve their decks i n opaque card sleeves for Formal and Premier events. Players may use diffe rent sleeves between decks\, but all cards within a single deck must be id entical in size\, color\, texture\, and condition. At Relaxed events\, if a player is not using opaque card sleeves\, he or she must make sure that all card backs in each of their decks have a uniform appearance. Players s hould bring a few spare sleeves for each of their decks in case a card sle eve breaks or becomes unusable during a tournament.\nLost and Damaged Card s\nIf a player loses a card during a tournament\, he or she has an opportu nity to find a replacement\, if necessary. Any player that discovers they are missing a card at the beginning of a round should notify a leader. The leader will give the player a short time extension to their game in order to find a replacement. If the player cannot find a replacement within tha t time\, they must concede the game for the deck that is missing a card. ( For example\, if a player is missing a card from their Corp deck\, they mu st concede the game in which they play the Corp\, but they still play thei r Runner deck.) If the player is unable to find a replacement by the start of the next round\, they should be removed from the tournament.\nDuring a game\, if a player discovers they are missing a card from the deck they a re currently using\, they must concede the game.\nIf a player’s card bec omes damaged during the course of a tournament\, he or she has an opportun ity to find a replacement. If the player cannot find a replacement\, he or she uses a proxy card in its place for the remainder of the tournament. A leader will create the proxy\, including the card name\, any information that is no longer legible or available on the damaged card\, the name of t he leader who created it\, and the date it was created. The original card must be kept facedown and nearby\, available for reference when the proxy card is played.\nTokens\nTokens are representations of information about t he game or game state. The presence of tokens is marked by one or more ind icators. Indicators may also be used to represent multiple tokens\, or oth er open or derived information.\nTypically\, players use the cardboard tok ens included in official product as indicators. However\, players may choo se to use other items as indicators\, so long as they do not obscure signi ficant component information\, are resistant to accidental modification\, and their purpose of use is clear to both players. The marshal is responsi ble for determining the legality of an indicator and its reasonable use du ring a match if objected to by its owner’s opponent.\nLegal Products Pla yers may use only official Android: Netrunner components in tournament pla y\, with the following exceptions for third-party replacements:\n\nTokens that do not obscure card information\n\nDetermining the legality of any qu estionable third-party tokens is the marshal’s responsibility. Proxies o f cards are not allowed unless used under the rules of “Lost and Damaged Cards” on page 4.\nAll Android: Netrunner components are legal for Stan dard Play tournaments.\nFor Premier events\, all product is legal in North America 11 days—typically the second Monday—after the product’s off icial release (June 8th\, 2017). Official dates will be updated on the Pro duct Legality page on FFG's website.\nAbout the Venue\nWe sell snacks and drinks such as soda\, chips and candy bars. We do not allow outside food a nd drinks\, such as: bags of chips\, outside bottles of soda (2 liters) an d so on. If you are bringing in your meal and a drink is included\, that i s the exception.\nWe have several fast food options near the store\, four of which are within walking distance:\nKorean Grill\nTaco John's\nJimmy Jo hn's\nMcDonalds\nHotels\nIf traveling from out of town\, we have several h otels close by. If there is enough interest\, we will see about getting a block or rooms at a discounted rate for the folks traveling in.\nWoodSprin g Suites Bellevue\nMicrotel Inn &\; Suites by Wyndham Bellevue\nHampton Inn Bellevue\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Welcome to The Game Shoppe’s\, 2017 Android: Netrunner Regional event! This event is capped at 120 participants\, and i s first come\, first served. Prepaid preregistration will be honored first \, walk-ins will be allowed\, if space allows.
\nSaturday\, June 24t h\, 2017\nThe Game Shoppe\n1406 Harlan Dr\nBellevue\, NE 68005\n402-292-42 63
\nEntry Fee: $15.00\nOnline Payment: Upon request
\nRegistr ation: 9:30am – 10:45am\n1st Round: 11am – 12:05pm\nBreak: 10 minutes\ n2nd Round: 12:15pm – 1:20pm\nLunch Break: 40 minutes\n3rd Round: 2:00pm – 3:05pm\nBreak: 10 minutes\n4th Round: 3:15pm – 4:20pm 9-20 players Cut to Top 4 / 21-32 players\, Cut to Top 8\nBreak: 10 minutes\n5th Round: 4:30pm – 5:35pm\, 33-56 players\, Cut to Top 8\n6th Round: 5:45pm – 6 :50pm\, 57-80 players\, Cut to Top 8
\nTournament Structure\nThe Adv anced tournament structure caters to participants that enjoy competition. This structure provides a robust tournament experience that requires a sub stantial commitment of time and resources from organizers and players. The Advanced Structure is used for Regional Championship events.
\nTour nament Round\nTimes Each tournament round of Android: Netrunner is a prede termined length\, giving players a certain amount of time to complete thei r games. A leader should start the timer for a tournament round after most players have found their seats and begun to set up. If a game has not con cluded when the time for a tournament round runs out\, the players play un til they have both completed a turn (see “End of Game” on page 7). A t ournament round’s length varies depending on the type of round.
\nSwiss Rounds: 65 minutes each\nFinals (when only two players remain): 60 m inutes
\nTournament Points\nPlayers earn tournament points at the en d of each round based on both games during the round. At the end of a tour nament\, the player with the most tournament points wins the tournament. I n the case of a larger event\, they are instead used to determine who make s the cut to double elimination rounds. For each game\, players receive to urnament points as follows:
\nTour nament Materials\nDeck lists are required for this event. We will have blank ones o n hand but\, printed deck lists are preferred.
\nCard Sleeves\nPlaye rs are required to sleeve their decks in opaque card sleeves for Formal an d Premier events. Players may use different sleeves between decks\, but al l cards within a single deck must be identical in size\, color\, texture\, and condition. At Relaxed events\, if a player is not using opaque card s leeves\, he or she must make sure that all card backs in each of their dec ks have a uniform appearance. Players should bring a few spare sleeves for each of their decks in case a card sleeve breaks or becomes unusable duri ng a tournament.
\nLost and Damaged Cards\nIf a player loses a card during a tournament\, he or she has an opportunity to find a replacement\, if necessary. Any player that discovers they are missing a card at the be ginning of a round should notify a leader. The leader will give the player a short time extension to their game in order to find a replacement. If t he player cannot find a replacement within that time\, they must concede t he game for the deck that is missing a card. (For example\, if a player is missing a card from their Corp deck\, they must concede the game in which they play the Corp\, but they still play their Runner deck.) If the playe r is unable to find a replacement by the start of the next round\, they sh ould be removed from the tournament.
\nDuring a game\, if a player d iscovers they are missing a card from the deck they are currently using\, they must concede the game.
\nIf a player’s card becomes damaged d uring the course of a tournament\, he or she has an opportunity to find a replacement. If the player cannot find a replacement\, he or she uses a pr oxy card in its place for the remainder of the tournament. A leader will c reate the proxy\, including the card name\, any information that is no lon ger legible or available on the damaged card\, the name of the leader who created it\, and the date it was created. The original card must be kept f acedown and nearby\, available for reference when the proxy card is played .
\nTokens\nTokens are representations of information about the game or game state. The presence of tokens is marked by one or more indicators . Indicators may also be used to represent multiple tokens\, or other open or derived information.
\nTypically\, players use the cardboard tok ens included in official product as indicators. However\, players may choo se to use other items as indicators\, so long as they do not obscure signi ficant component information\, are resistant to accidental modification\, and their purpose of use is clear to both players. The marshal is responsi ble for determining the legality of an indicator and its reasonable use du ring a match if objected to by its owner’s opponent.
\nLegal Produ cts Players may use only official Android: Netrunner components in tournam ent play\, with the following exceptions for third-party replacements:
\nDe termining the legality of any questionable third-party tokens is the marsh al’s responsibility. Proxies of cards are not allowed unless used under the rules of “Lost and Damaged Cards” on page 4.
\nAll Android: Netrunner components are legal for Standard Play tournaments.
\nFor Premier events\, all product is legal in North America 11 days—typically the second Monday—after the product’s official release (June 8th\, 20 17). Official dates will be updated on the Product Legality page on FFG's website .
\nAbout the Venue\nWe sell snacks and drinks such as soda\, chips and candy bars. We do not allow outside food and drinks\, such as: bags of chips\, outside bottles of soda (2 liters) and so on. If you are bringing in your meal and a drink is included\, that is the exception.
\nWe have several fast food options near the store\, four of which are within w alking distance:\nKorean Grill \nTaco John's\nJimmy John's\nMcDonalds
\nHotels\nIf traveling from out of town\, we have several hotels close by. If there is enough interest \, we will see about getting a block or rooms at a discounted rate for the folks traveling in.
\nWoodSpring Suites Bellevue\nMicrotel Inn &\; Suites by Wyndham Bellevue\nHampton Inn Bellevue