BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:66alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20161120T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20161120T235900 URL: tore-championship LOCATION:6 Homerton St\, Cambridge CB2 8NX\, UK SUMMARY:Inner Sanctum Collectibles Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:FB Event\nUpdate 14/11/16 @ 18.45 - We currently have 29 player s enrolled for this event - Spaces left 3\nNote the kits do not cater for any additional players so we are now limited spaces.\nUPDATE - We have bee n advised that FFG have a delay in shipping the Store Champs Kits and they will not arrive until the end of November. We understand that a number of locations have scheduled their store champs and that many of our particip ants will be entered into other events. We therefore intend to run our eve nt as planned and send any prizes / promo cards out post the event\, once we have them. We hope that this does not affect our attendees enjoyment an d look forward to seeing on the 20th.\nInner Sanctum Collectibles will be hosting the Cambridge 2017 Netrunner Store Champs in conjunction with netr unner cambridge. This event will be in store at Inner Sanctum Collectibles on Sunday 20th November 2016 and will feed the 2017 Regionals. Price for entry will be £5.00 and will start at 10:00. Registration from 09:30. We are limited to 32 Players.\nIf you are interested in attending please emai l\;\\nTitle your email “Netrunner Sto re Champs 2017 Registration”\nWinner receives a BYE to the Regionals and a Trophy\nOther goodies for participation and places\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

FB Event


Update 14/11/16 @ 18.45 - We curr ently have 29 players enrolled for this event - Spaces left 3\nNote the ki ts do not cater for any additional players so we are now limited spaces.\n

UPDATE - We have been advised that FFG have a delay in shipping the Store Champs Kits and they will not arrive until the end of November. We understand that a number of locations have scheduled their store champs an d that many of our participants will be entered into other events. We ther efore intend to run our event as planned and send any prizes / promo cards out post the event\, once we have them. We hope that this does not affect our attendees enjoyment and look forward to seeing on the 20th.


I nner Sanctum Collectibles will be hosting the Cambridge 2017 Netrunner Sto re Champs in conjunction with netrunner cambridge. This event will be in s tore at Inner Sanctum Collectibles on Sunday 20th November 2016 and will f eed the 2017 Regionals. Price for entry will be £5.00 and will start at 1 0:00. Registration from 09:30. We are limited to 32 Players.\nIf you are i nterested in attending please email\;




Title your email “Netrunner Store Champs 2017 Registratio n”


Winner receives a BYE to the Regionals and a Trophy\nOther go odies for participation and places