BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:646alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20170617T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20170617T235900 URL: ipcampeonato-nacional LOCATION:Calle Edgar Neville\, s/n\, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón\, Madrid\, S pain SUMMARY:Spanish National Championship/Campeonato Nacional CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:IMPORTANT INFORMATION\n\nPre-purchase of ticket required (25 eu ro) through this page.\nDecklists should be sent to b efore 12:00 (noon) on Friday (16 June) in text format in a printable attac hment. Also\, send your full name and your Biletto ticket number. The subj ect of the mail should be: "\;Lista Nacional Netrunner 2017"\;\nYo u must also bring this same printed list on the day of the championship.\n The printed mail with the ticket purchase\, a personal ID (with a photo)\, and your printed deck list must be presented during registration. Judges may perform random deck checks during the event based on your lists.\n\nRu les\nAll official game rules as well as the latest version of the Frequent ly Asked Questions and Tournament Rules published by Fantasy Flight Games. \nCard pool\, proxies\, sleeving\n\nAll cards published by Fantasy Flight Games will be allowed\, ​​provided they have also been officially publ ished in Spain at least 7 days before the day of the event.\nThe use of ph otocopies or unofficial cards is not allowed.\nAll cards must be sleeved w ith opaque\, identical sleeves.\n\nFormat\n\nSaturday - 5-6 rounds of Swis s (65 minutes per round)\nSunday - Top cut (8) - double elimitation rounds (35 minutes per round)\n\nAlternative events\nFor all those who don't mak e the top cut\, there will be at least two additional events (included in the price): "\;Resubiendo la mata"\; &\; "\;Accediendo a la Terminal"\;. For more information\, check the event page here.\nOther information\n\nBest way to get there from the city center: metro line 3 ( stop: Ciudad Del Cine)\nIf you come from outside of Madrid\, you can reque st a discount of 30% on AVE trains by sending an email to jm.rocha@asmodee .com with the subject "\;Descuento Renfe Campeonato Nacional Android:N etrunner"\; including your full name and the Billeto ticket number.\n\ n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:


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Rules\nAll official game rules as well as the latest version of the Frequently Asked Questions and Tournament Rul es published by Fantasy Flight Games.


Card pool\, proxies\ , sleeving


F ormat


Alternative events\nFor all those who don't make the top cut\, there will be at least two additio nal events (included in the price): "\;Resubiendo la mata"\; &\ ; "\;Accediendo a la Terminal"\;. For more information\, check the event page here.


Other informat ion