BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:64alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20161119 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20161120 URL: LOCATION:36-42 Union St\, Sheffield S1 2JP\, UK SUMMARY:Charity Gift II CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nFB event\nThis tournament is intended as a relaxed\, casual e vent after the stresses of Store Champs\, Regionals\, Nationals around Eur ope and Worlds\, and an opportunity for us to make a donation to a charity here in Sheffield which provides over the Holiday period for a huge numbe r of seriously ill children.\nWhat's the Cause\n100% of the total entry fe e raised by the ID Auction will be donated directly to the Sheffield Child ren's Hospital Charity (details here ) and is a fully registered charity e vent with the hospital.\nThe ID Auction\nTo enter this tournament\, rather than paying a fee and turning up with your decks on the day\, things are going to be running a little differently.\nUsing the online silent auction site\, I'll be listing over the course of two weeks\, 2 se ts of 16-item auctions\, each containing a pair of Identities\, one known\ , one hidden. The first week will list 16 Corp IDs with hidden Runner IDs\ , and the second week 16 Runner IDs with hidden Corp IDs. Each pairing wil l come with a cryptic title which should allude to the identity of the hid den ID. The winners of each auction must use the two listed IDs as their I Ds for this tournament.\nThe tournament will have only 32 maximum players - there will be 31 different Runner IDs (including Elle and Omar) and and 35 different Corp IDs\, so there will be 3 Corp IDs which do not appear at all (they will be outlined before the auction takes place) and only a sin gle Runner ID repeat. Once an auction has been won\, either a JustGiving d onation\, or a cash donation on the day for the amount of the winning bid will be your entry fee.\nTournament Format\nThe tournament will be 6 round s of Swiss with prizes determined by ranking after the 6th round.\nWe will also be observing the Opening Moves Amnesty\, meaning that players will b e allowed to proxy Jackson Howards for their decks should they not already own them.\nI've never been to a tournament before...\nThe intent is to ma ke this tournament accessible to everyone\, from hardened veterans to peop le with a single core set. If you've never been to an event before\, don't be intimidated\, please come and play\, and there will be special additio nal prizes for those who aren't the Regional/National champions of the wor ld.\nWhat's on offer?\nIt wouldn't be a tournament without prizes\, and fo r this one\, I have tried to get a number of things that would appeal to t he Netrunner community.\nCurrently\, just for winning any auction\, you wi ll receive a pair of custom-made alt-art cards for your faction\, examples of which are in the photos below.\nIn addition to this\, the following pr izes* will be on offer:-\n\nA Golden** Celebrity Gift Trophy for the winne r\, hand crafted by me\nAn Art-print signed by Matt Zeillinger\nCustom &qu ot\;Celebrity Gift 2016"\; Playmats for the top 4\nA Store Championshi p 2016 "\;Leela Patel"\; Playmat for the player who finishes highe st who has not already won a Netrunner mat at an event (be honest) [Donate d by Dave Hoyland]\nTwo Store Championship 2016 "\;Leela"\; Deckbo xes for the highest finishing new player (you know if you are a new player or not) [Donated by Dave Hoyland]\nA signed copy of the Android novella M onitor by Leigh Alexander*\nSigned copies of Celebrity Gift signed by Matt Z\nA set of Alt-Art Jackson Howards [Donated by me]\nAnother set of Alt-A rt Jackson Howards [Donated by Dave H]\nAn Alt-Art Adonis Campaign [Donate d by Dave H]\nAn Alt-Art Chaos Theory [Donated by me]\nA set of Alt-Art Ba nk Jobs [Donated by me]\nAn Alt-Art Noise [Donated by Dave H]\nAn Acrylic Jesminder Sereen/Palana Foods flip-ID [Donated by Dave H]\nA Piece of One- of-a-kind Netrunner art by PandalionDoodles [Donates by Paula N]\n\n*These things are all in-progress at the moment but something might happen to me an these prizes don't materialise. Rest assured I am working hard to get t hem sorted out.\n** Spraypainted Golden\nExciting bonus stuff\nWhile plann ing for this event\, I have been reaching out to the voices in the Netrunn er community for some assistance\, and I am very excited to announce that the good people at RunLastClick\, The Winning Agenda\, Team Covenant\, Dea d Channel/NeoReading Grid\, Terminal7 and ANRBlackHats\, as well as the UK National Champion have all agreed to nominate ID pairings which represent themselves\; the winners of those Auctions will receive two copies of the ir alt-art IDs\, one to play with\, and one signed by the people from thos e fine Netrunner institutions.\nThere may also be further exciting news on the horizon...\nIf you would like to help in any way\, by donating additi onal prize support to the event\, or if there is something else you think you can assist me with\, please send me a message here on Facebook or catc h me on Twitter at @NotTopGearRH.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



FB event


This tournament is intended as a relaxe d\, casual event after the stresses of Store Champs\, Regionals\, National s around Europe and Worlds\, and an opportunity for us to make a donation to a charity here in Sheffield which provides over the Holiday period for a huge number of seriously ill children.


What's the Cause

\n< p>100% of the total entry fee raised by the ID Auction will be donated dir ectly to the Sheffield Children's Hospital Charity (details here ) and is a fully registered charity event w ith the hospital.


The ID Auction


To enter this tournamen t\, rather than paying a fee and turning up with your decks on the day\, t hings are going to be running a little differently.\nUsing the online sile nt auction site\, I'll be listing over the course of two we eks\, 2 sets of 16-item auctions\, each containing a pair of Identities\, one known\, one hidden. The first week will list 16 Corp IDs with hidden R unner IDs\, and the second week 16 Runner IDs with hidden Corp IDs. Each p airing will come with a cryptic title which should allude to the identity of the hidden ID. The winners of each auction must use the two listed IDs as their IDs for this tournament.\nThe tournament will have only 32 maximu m players - there will be 31 different Runner IDs (including Elle and Omar ) and and 35 different Corp IDs\, so there will be 3 Corp IDs which do not appear at all (they will be outlined before the auction takes place) and only a single Runner ID repeat. Once an auction has been won\, either a Ju stGiving donation\, or a cash donation on the day for the amount of the wi nning bid will be your entry fee.


Tournament Format


The tournament will be 6 rounds of Swiss with prizes determined by ranking aft er the 6th round.\nWe will also be observing the Opening Moves Amnesty\, m eaning that players will be allowed to proxy Jackson Howards for their dec ks should they not already own them.


I've never been to a tournam ent before...


The intent is to make this tournament accessible to everyone\, from hardened veterans to people with a single core set. If yo u've never been to an event before\, don't be intimidated\, please come an d play\, and there will be special additional prizes for those who aren't the Regional/National champions of the world.


What's on offer?\n

It wouldn't be a tournament without prizes\, and for this one\, I h ave tried to get a number of things that would appeal to the Netrunner com munity.\nCurrently\, just for winning any auction\, you will receive a pai r of custom-made alt-art cards for your faction\, examples of which are in the photos below.\nIn addition to this\, the following prizes* will be on offer:-


*These things are a ll in-progress at the moment but something might happen to mean these priz es don't materialise. Rest assured I am working hard to get them sorted ou t.\n** Spraypainted Golden


Exciting bonus stuff


While pl anning for this event\, I have been reaching out to the voices in the Netr unner community for some assistance\, and I am very excited to announce th at the good people at RunLastClick\, The Winning Agenda\, Team Covenant\, Dead Channel/NeoReading Grid\, Terminal7 and ANRBlackHats\, as well as the UK National Champion have all agreed to nominate ID pairings which repres ent themselves\; the winners of those Auctions will receive two copies of their alt-art IDs\, one to play with\, and one signed by the people from t hose fine Netrunner institutions.\nThere may also be further exciting news on the horizon...\nIf you would like to help in any way\, by donating add itional prize support to the event\, or if there is something else you thi nk you can assist me with\, please send me a message here on Facebook or c atch me on Twitter at @NotTopGearRH.