BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:633alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20170625T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20170625T235900 URL: ip LOCATION:Beggaardenstraat 6\, 2000 Antwerpen\, Belgium SUMMARY:Antwerp Regional Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nSwitch on your consoles and plug in\, Netrunners\, because th e first Belgian Regional Championship is upon us.\nEntry fee: €15\nDoors and Registration: 10:00\nStart of the Tournament: 10:30\nYou will need to bring both a runner and corporation deck which adhere to the latest FAQ a nd NAPD Most Wanted List\, which is FAQ 4.0 and NAPD MWL 1.2. Decklists ar e mandatory and must be submitted to the TO at registration.\nWe will begi n with a number of swiss rounds followed by a cut to top 4 or top 8 double -elimination rounds based on attendance.\nThere will be a lunch break\, an d there are plenty of places to eat in the area. The Outpost also offers a variety of food and beverages at the bar.\nTournament results will be pos ted on after it's conclusion\, and we will again attem pt to stream the top table throughout the day.\nTO: Thomas Van der Cruysse \nMarshal: Brian Wynants\nPRIZE SUPPORT:\nParticipation - Alternate art Sm oke identity card\nTop 16 - Acrylic credit tokens\nTop 8 - Find the Truth playmat\nTop 4 - Plastic Los/Jemison identity card\nWinner - Magnum Opus t rophy\, first round bye for National Championships\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
S witch on your consoles and plug in\, Netrunners\, because the first Belgia n Regional Championship is upon us.
\nEntry fee: €15\nDoors and Re gistration: 10:00\nStart of the Tournament: 10:30
\nYou will need to bring both a runner and corporation deck which adhere to the latest FAQ a nd NAPD Most Wanted List\, which is FAQ 4.0 and NAPD MWL 1.2. Decklists ar e mandatory and must be submitted to the TO at registration.\nWe will begi n with a number of swiss rounds followed by a cut to top 4 or top 8 double -elimination rounds based on attendance.\nThere will be a lunch break\, an d there are plenty of places to eat in the area. The Outpost also offers a variety of food and beverages at the bar.\nTournament results will be pos ted on after it's conclusion\, and we will again attem pt to stream the top table throughout the day.
\nTO: Thomas Van der Cruysse\nMarshal: Brian Wynants
\nPRIZE SUPPORT:\nParticipation - Al ternate art Smoke identity card\nTop 16 - Acrylic credit tokens\nTop 8 - F ind the Truth playmat\nTop 4 - Plastic Los/Jemison identity card\nWinner - Magnum Opus trophy\, first round bye for National Championships