BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:623alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20170525T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20170525T235900 URL: urnament LOCATION:7211 Colonial St\, Boise\, ID 83709\, USA SUMMARY:Netrunner Game Night Kit Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:$5 Entry! Registration as early as 5:30\, the tournament will s tart between 6:30 and 7:00. Let us know if you plan on being later than 7 PM!\nA standard\, constructed tournament for Android: Netrunner! Depending on number of players\, competition will be 3 - 4 swiss rounds. Prizes as follows:\nAll players will receive 3 copies of alt-art Data Raven cards\nT op 4 players will receive an alt-art copy of Nero Severn\nTop 2 players wi ll receive Shaper click-tracker tokens\nIf we have above 6 players\, Top 4 will receive store credit at a percentage of entries paid minus the cost of the kit ($20). Example: 8 players pay the $5 entry\, totalling $40. The kit is subtracted\, and the remaining $20 is divided among the top four a s follows:\n1st: 40%\n2nd: 30%\n3rd: 20%\n4th: 10%\nIn the above example\, 1st would get $8\, 2nd: $6\, and so on.\nHope to see you there\, and reme mber to have fun!\nReminder: in a Netrunner tournament\, all players are e xpected to bring both a Runner and Corporation deck\, and provide their ow n tokens for counting clicks\, credits\, viruses\, power counters\, etc. I f you're unable to provide the needed materials\, let a store representati ve know so we can provide you with our demo copy materials. Playmats and s leeves are not necessary\, however\, if you are playing with alt-art cards in your deck\, the cards are printed differently and in this case sleevin g is required to avoid cheating.\nAll decks must be compliant with the mos t recently announced Most Wanted List and any other errata or tournament r egulations will be upheld. For more info\, feel free to contact us directl y or visit FFG's Organized Play information page: https://www.fantasyfligh\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

$5 Entry! Registration as early as 5:30\, t he tournament will start between 6:30 and 7:00. Let us know if you plan on being later than 7 PM!


A standard\, constructed tournament for An droid: Netrunner! Depending on number of players\, competition will be 3 - 4 swiss rounds. Prizes as follows:


All players will receive 3 cop ies of alt-art Data Raven cards\nTop 4 players will receive an alt-art cop y of Nero Severn\nTop 2 players will receive Shaper click-tracker tokens\n

If we have above 6 players\, Top 4 will receive store credit at a p ercentage of entries paid minus the cost of the kit ($20). Example: 8 play ers pay the $5 entry\, totalling $40. The kit is subtracted\, and the rema ining $20 is divided among the top four as follows:


1st: 40%\n2nd: 30%\n3rd: 20%\n4th: 10%


In the above example\, 1st would get $8\, 2nd: $6\, and so on.


Hope to see you there\, and remember to have fun!


Reminder: in a Netrunner tournament\, all players are expect ed to bring both a Runner and Corporation deck\, and provide their own tok ens for counting clicks\, credits\, viruses\, power counters\, etc. If you 're unable to provide the needed materials\, let a store representative kn ow so we can provide you with our demo copy materials. Playmats and sleeve s are not necessary\, however\, if you are playing with alt-art cards in y our deck\, the cards are printed differently and in this case sleeving is required to avoid cheating.


All decks must be compliant with the m ost recently announced Most Wanted List and any other errata or tournament regulations will be upheld. For more info\, feel free to contact us direc tly or visit FFG's Organized Play information page: https://www.fantasyfli