BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:617alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20170817 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20170818 URL: nship LOCATION:100 S Capitol Ave\, Indianapolis\, IN 46225\, USA SUMMARY:2017 North American Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nOfficial FFG info\nAugust 17th - 20th\nPrizes\n\n\n\nParticip ation – Bhagat is hosting a riot in the streets\, and you're invited! Re vel in true Anarch fashion with his alternate art connection card. In addi tion\, each competitor receives a stunning commemorative 2017 North Americ an Championship coin.\n\nTop Third – After the dust settles from the Swi ss rounds\, players who placed among the top third of all competitors will receive a set of five memory unit tokens. One can be used to represent an initial four memory units\, and the other four are a useful tracking tool as you add to your slate of programs.\n\nTop 32 – The premium three-com partment deckbox\, bearing the North American Championship logo\, awaits t hose who ascend to the top 32 of final standings.\n\nTop 16 – A hefty me dal will be draped around the neck of each competitor that ascends to the Top 16\, bearing an inscription and game logo on its reverse.\n\nFinishing Placement – A stunning playmat featuring art from the Terminal Directiv e Campaign Expansion is awarded to each player who runs their way into the Top 8. Each playmat bears an icon displaying the rank its bearer finished the event with\, including Top 8\, Top 4\, 2nd\, and 1st.\n\nTop 4 – Ea ch of these players will have the opportunity to build on their incredible performance at the World Championship by earning a free reserved seat nex t November!\n\nFinalist – A plaque commemorates an outstanding accomplis hment\, and is complimented by a bye at the World Championship in November ! In addition to a radiant trophy\, the North American Champion wins the c hance to inspire the design of a future Android: Netrunner card! A free fl ight and hotel room for the next World Championship will elevate them to t he pinnacle of competition\, where they receive a bye in the first round. The champ is even allowed an additional free reserved seat\, to bring a fr iend or companion to compete alongside them at Worlds.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Official FFG info


August 17th - 20th





\n< ul>\n
  • \nParticipationBhagat is hosting a riot in the streets\, and you're invited! Revel in true Anarch fashion wi th his alternate art connection card. In addition\, each competitor receiv es a stunning commemorative 2017 North American Championship coin .
  • \n
  • \nTop Third – After the dust settles from t he Swiss rounds\, players who placed among the top third of all competitor s will receive a set of five memory unit tokens. One can be used to represent an initial four memory units\, and the other four are a usefu l tracking tool as you add to your slate of programs.
  • \n
  • \n Top 32 – The premium three-compartment deckbox\, beari ng the North American Championship logo\, awaits those who ascend to the t op 32 of final standings.
  • \n
  • \nTop 16 – A hefty medal will be draped around the neck of each competitor that asce nds to the Top 16\, bearing an inscription and game logo on its reverse.\n
  • \nFinishing Placement – A stunning playmat featuring art from the Terminal Directive Campaign Expansion is awar ded to each player who runs their way into the Top 8. Each playmat bears a n icon displaying the rank its bearer finished the event with\, including Top 8\, Top 4\, 2nd\, and 1st.
  • \n
  • \nTop 4 – Each of these players will have the opportunity to build on their incredible p erformance at the World Championship by earning a free reserved seat next November!
  • \n
  • \nFinalist – A plaque< /em> commemorates an outstanding accomplishment\, and is complimented by a bye at the World Championship in November! In addition to a radiant troph y\, the North American Champion wins the chance to inspire the design of a future Android: Netrunner card! A free flight and hotel room for the next World Championship will elevate them to the pinnacle of competit ion\, where they receive a bye in the first round. The champ is even allow ed an additional free reserved seat\, to bring a friend or companion to co mpete alongside them at Worlds.