BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:607alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20160130T104500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20160130T235900 URL: ing-in-a-bank-branch LOCATION:Steinmüllerallee 5\, 51643 Gummersbach\, Germany SUMMARY:1st BankJob Tournament (Running in a bank branch) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:GNK-Tournament in a bank branch (PORTAL by Volksbank) during op ening times\nLocation: Portal by Volksbank in Forum Gummersbach\, 51643 Gu mmersbach (50 km east of Cologne at the A4)\nCheck-In starts at 10:00\nFor mat: Swiss Rounds without Cut (so max 5 rounds)\nlanguages : all\nRules: b asically standard FFG/Heidelberger but special house-rule:\n\neach runner deck must have at least one copy of bank job in it (all copies count as ne utral card with no influence)\neach corp deck must have at least one copy of sealed vault in it (all copies count as neutral card with no influence) \nNo MWL yet\, but you are free to limit yourself.\n\nStarting Fee: 10\,00 €\nfree entrance\nPrizes: official (german) promos\, as cards\, deckbox es and a playmat. Additionally self-produced alt-arts (a complete playset of "\;Bankeinbruch"\;(bank job) and playmats.\nThe tournament is h eld during opening times on the main floor of the bank branch.\nThe Forum is also reachable by train from cologne (about 1 hour driving time).\nCar parking is best in the parking garage of the Forum\, the first two hours a re free (please tell on check-in\, so i can"\;free"\; the ticket). \nIn addition to that our host spends each participant a free warm (coffee \, tea\, latte etc.) and a cold drink (Bionade\,juice\,water).\nAlso there are many fastfood restaurants and a supermarket in the Forum.\nDecklists can be found on Acoo.\nNext : 2nd Bankjob-Tournament\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
GNK-Tournament in a bank branch (PORTAL by Volksbank) during opening times
\nLocation: Portal by Volksbank in F orum Gummersbach\, 51643 Gummersbach (50 km east of Cologne at the A4)
\nCheck-In starts at 10:00
\nFormat: Swiss Rounds without Cut (so max 5 rounds)\nlanguages : all
\nRules: basically standard FFG/Heid elberger but special house-rule:
\nStarting Fee : 10\,00 €\nfree entrance
\nPrizes: official (german) promos\, as cards\, deckboxes and a playmat. Additionally self-produced alt-arts (a co mplete playset of "\;Bankeinbruch"\;(bank job) and playmats.
\nThe tournament is held during opening times on the main floor of the ba nk branch.
\nThe Forum is also reachable by train from cologne (ab out 1 hour driving time).\nCar parking is best in the parking garage of th e Forum\, the first two hours are free (please tell on check-in\, so i can "\;free"\; the ticket).
\nIn addition to that our host spend s each participant a free warm (coffee\, tea\, latte etc.) and a cold drin k (Bionade\,juice\,water).
\nAlso there are many fastfood restaurant s and a supermarket in the Forum.
\nDecklists can be found on Acoo.
\nNext : 2nd Bankjob-Tournament