BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:602alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20170617T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20170617T235900 URL: he-refresh LOCATION:328 Little Lonsdale St\, Melbourne VIC 3000\, Australia SUMMARY:VIC Netrunner Regionals + Cache Refresh CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:In case you miss it below: the top cut of this event will be pl ayed on Sunday starting at 11:00\, alongside the special Cache Refresh eve nt.\n(\nPlay with player s from around the state to prove your skills and become the Regional Champ ion!\n$20 entry\, registration 10:00-10:50 for an 11:00 start\, late playe rs may be refused entry.\nAlso check out the Cache Refresh event on the Su nday!\nDecklists required\, we will have online submissions open\, and cop y pasting from NetrunnerDB is totally fine!\nAlternately\, bring one with you\, or come with enough time to write one out. Make sure your deck confo rms to the updated NAPD Most Wanted List.\nhttps://www.fantasyflightgames. com/en/news/2017/4/12/enhanced-enforcement-tactics/\nAt this level of play clear sleeves aren't allowed due to variations in print run\, please make sure you can't see the backs of your cards.\nSwiss rounds followed by a c ut to double elimination\, to be played on Sunday at 11:00\, alongside the Cache Refresh event. This event will be run at Premier Tier Level. Player s are expected to know the game rules and latest FAQ and Tournament rules. \nIf you have won a Store Championship\, please bring along your certifica te to be awarded your round 1 bye for this event.\nFull prize and promo de tails coming shortly.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
In case you miss it below: the top cut of t his event will be played on Sunday starting at 11:00\, alongside the speci al Cache Refresh event.\n( /)
\nPlay with players from around the state to prove your skills an d become the Regional Champion!
\n$20 entry\, registration 10:00-10: 50 for an 11:00 start\, late players may be refused entry.
\nAlso ch eck out the Cache Refresh event on the Sunday!
\nDecklists required\ , we will have online submissions open\, and copy pasting from NetrunnerDB is totally fine!\nAlternately\, bring one with you\, or come with enough time to write one out. Make sure your deck conforms to the updated NAPD Mo st Wanted List.\n nced-enforcement-tactics/
\nAt this level of play clear sleeves aren 't allowed due to variations in print run\, please make sure you can't see the backs of your cards.
\nSwiss rounds followed by a cut to double elimination\, to be played on Sunday at 11:00\, alongside the Cache Refre sh event. This event will be run at Premier Tier Level. Players are expect ed to know the game rules and latest FAQ and Tournament rules.\nIf you hav e won a Store Championship\, please bring along your certificate to be awa rded your round 1 bye for this event.
\nFull prize and promo details coming shortly.