BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:588alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Edmonton:20170527T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Edmonton:20170527T235900 URL: vent LOCATION:1835 10 Ave SW\, Calgary\, AB T3C 0K2\, Canada SUMMARY:Terminal Directive Launch Event CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Get ready to solve a murder mystery in the Android Universe! Yo u will take on the role of corporation and runner as you try to solve this mystery.\nThis is going to be a casual event using 1 Core Set and 1 Termi nal Directive Set. The only campaign cards to be used are the 3 "\;Evi dence Collection"\; agendas found in Corp pack 1. You will need to pic k from either Seidr Laboratories or Skorpios Defense Systems on the corp s ide\, and Ayla "\;BIOS"\; Rahim or Steve Cambridge on the runner s ide.\nFor participating you will get extended art dual sided IDs:\n\nSeidr Laboratories/Skorpios Defense Systems\nAyla "\;BIOS"\; Rahim/Stev e Cambridge\nIf you complete your objectives there are some exclusive exte nded art cards up for grabs as well:\nEli 2.0\nCharlatan\n\nWe'll be doing a 4 round swiss style event for bragging rights and to achieve your objec tives. Remember only 1 core set allowed\, so only 1 SanSan or 1 Desperado per deck.\nRemember he who finds the truth\, controls the truth!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Get ready to solve a murder mystery in the Android Universe! You will take on the role of corporation and runner as y ou try to solve this mystery.
\nThis is going to be a casual event u sing 1 Core Set and 1 Terminal Directive Set. The only campaign cards to b e used are the 3 "\;Evidence Collection"\; agendas found in Corp p ack 1. You will need to pick from either Seidr Laboratories or Skorpios De fense Systems on the corp side\, and Ayla "\;BIOS"\; Rahim or Stev e Cambridge on the runner side.
\nFor participating you will get ext ended art dual sided IDs:
\nWe 'll be doing a 4 round swiss style event for bragging rights and to achiev e your objectives. Remember only 1 core set allowed\, so only 1 SanSan or 1 Desperado per deck.
\nRemember he who finds the truth\, controls t he truth!