BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:572alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170520T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170520T235900 URL: games LOCATION:5 Union St\, Reading RG1 1EU\, UK SUMMARY:BABW Grand Finals - Eclectic games CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nThis is an invitational event. Participants are drawn from th e winners of the qualifier events being held around the country\, plus the online Last Chance Qualifier:\n 190759/\nFormat and card legality to be defined by Laurie Poulter who is t he organiser this year.\nThese players will attempt to follow in the foots teps of Netrunner luminaries Tim Fowler and Chris Dyer\, and win a stipend to travel to the Netrunner World Championship. 100% of BABW winners have finished in the top 8 at Worlds\, so this is quite clearly a prize worth r unning for!\nAs a note: Decklists are required for this event.\nA devastat ing run on the Aldershot server containing their BABW qualifying data reve aled that ALL FOUR of the players in the cut had problems with their deckl ists. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE AT THIS LEVEL. Deck checks will be s tringent and mistakes will be penalised SEVERELY. Check your deck lists th oroughly please\, it is one of the VERY FEW responsibilities you have as a player on entry to a tournament.\nWhile this is an invitational event\, t here may well be space for spectators if they wish to attend. Will keep yo u posted.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



This is an invitational event. Participants are drawn from the winners of the qualifier events being held around the count ry\, plus the online Last Chance Qualifier:

\n 98044507190759/


Format and card legality to be defined by Laur ie Poulter who is the organiser this year.


These players will atte mpt to follow in the footsteps of Netrunner luminaries Tim Fowler and Chri s Dyer\, and win a stipend to travel to the Netrunner World Championship. 100% of BABW winners have finished in the top 8 at Worlds\, so this is qui te clearly a prize worth running for!


As a note: Decklists are required for this event.\nA devastating run on the Aldershot server containing their BABW qualifying data revealed that ALL FOUR of th e players in the cut had problems with their decklists. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE AT THIS LEVEL. Deck checks will be stringent and mistakes wi ll be penalised SEVERELY. Check your deck lists thoroughly please< /strong>\, it is one of the VERY FEW responsibilities you have as a player on entry to a tournament.


While this is an invitational event \, there may well be space for spectators if they wish to attend. Will kee p you posted.