BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:563alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20170617T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20170617T235900 URL: ampionship SUMMARY:Netrunner Boise Regional Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Registration: 10 AM\nStart: 11 AM\nEntry: $20\nJoin us for our Android: Netrunner Regional Championship! On June 17th\, be prepared for t he next level of competition\, as opponents will battle for exclusive priz es and a first place winner will receive a first-round bye at the next tou rnament level: National Championships!\nPrizes include:\nTop 64 players re ceive a copy of the alt-art Ele "\;Smoke"\; Scovak Runner ID\nTop 16 players receive a set of acrylic 3-credit and 1-credit tokens!\nTop 8 p layers receive a playmat featuring Find the Truth card art!\nTop 4 players receive a spot-glossed acrylic two-sided ID featuring Los: Data Hijacker and Jemison Astronautics\nFirst place receives an epic glass trophy and a card granting them a first-round bye at the National Championships!\nAddit ional prize support will likely be available\, and we'll update this event to inform you of those prizes! More information can be obtained by contac ting our store any time:\nPhone: (208) 376-6019\nAddress: 7211 Colonial St \, Boise\, ID 83709\nEmail:\nExpect a minimum of 4 Swiss rounds with a cut to a Top 4 or larger\, depending on number of players.\n Reminder: in a Netrunner tournament\, all players are expected to bring bo th a Runner and Corporation deck\, and provide their own tokens for counti ng clicks\, credits\, viruses\, power counters\, etc. Playmats and sleeves are not necessary\, however\, if you are playing with alt-art cards in yo ur deck\, the cards are printed differently and in this case sleeving is r equired to avoid cheating.\nAll decks must be compliant with the most rece ntly announced Most Wanted List and any other errata or tournament regulat ions will be upheld. For more info\, feel free to contact us directly or v isit FFG's Organized Play information page: https://www.fantasyflightgames .com/en/more/android-netrunner-organized-play/\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Registration: 10 AM\nStart: 11 AM\nEntry: $ 20


Join us for our Android: Netrunner Regional Championship! On Ju ne 17th\, be prepared for the next level of competition\, as opponents wil l battle for exclusive prizes and a first place winner will receive a firs t-round bye at the next tournament level: National Championships!


Prizes include:\nTop 64 players receive a copy of the alt-art Ele "\;S moke"\; Scovak Runner ID\nTop 16 players receive a set of acrylic 3-cr edit and 1-credit tokens!\nTop 8 players receive a playmat featuring Find the Truth card art!\nTop 4 players receive a spot-glossed acrylic two-side d ID featuring Los: Data Hijacker and Jemison Astronautics\nFirst place re ceives an epic glass trophy and a card granting them a first-round bye at the National Championships!


Additional prize support will likely b e available\, and we'll update this event to inform you of those prizes! M ore information can be obtained by contacting our store any time:


Phone: (208) 376-6019\nAddress: 7211 Colonial St\, Boise\, ID 83709\nEmail :


Expect a minimum of 4 Swiss rounds with a cut to a Top 4 or larger\, depending on number of players.


Reminder: in a Netrunner tournament\, all players are expected to bring both a Runne r and Corporation deck\, and provide their own tokens for counting clicks\ , credits\, viruses\, power counters\, etc. Playmats and sleeves are not n ecessary\, however\, if you are playing with alt-art cards in your deck\, the cards are printed differently and in this case sleeving is required to avoid cheating.


All decks must be compliant with the most recentl y announced Most Wanted List and any other errata or tournament regulation s will be upheld. For more info\, feel free to contact us directly or visi t FFG's Organized Play information page: m/en/more/android-netrunner-organized-play/