BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:555alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20170520T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20170520T235900 URL: LOCATION:Bahnhofstrasse 57\, 8600 Dübendorf\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Deck Swapping Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Deck Swapping Tournament\nAre you new to the game and looking f or a chance to play a bunch of different decks\, all in one day? Are you a grizzled veteran wanting to test your skills as an allrounder? Then you m ight enjoy our new and exciting format\, the Deck Swapping(™) Tournament .\nThe idea is simple. Bring two decks. Swap decks with someone else each round. Score points in the matches you play (as usual)\, and add the point s your decks get while being played by others. See more fascinating detail s below.\nDate: Saturday\, May 20th 2017\nCheck-in time: 13:00 - 13:15\, p lease be there on time\nStarting Time: 13:30\nEnd: approx. 19:30\nLocation : Wellplayed\, Bahnhofstrasse 57\, 8600 Dübendorf\nhttp://wellplay.myhost\nNeeded equipment: 1 Runner deck &\; 1 Corp deck\, both sleeved\, tokens\, sta rting fee\, food\nRegistration: wellplayed forum\, alwaysberunning\, mail to me\nD E T A I L S:\nTier: Relaxed\nTournaments at this level are welcom ing to all players\, regardless of experience level. Players are encourage d to help each other improve and learn\, so long as it does not significan tly disrupt the game. The focus is on creating a fun and friendly environm ent.\nFormat: Swiss format without cut\, max. 4 rounds (depending on atten dance).\nDeck Swapping(™) rules:\nEach player brings a corp and a runner deck\, as usual.\nBefore each round\, each player is paired up with anoth er player who is not their opponent for that round\, and swap their decks with that player for that round.\nThere will be 15 min for players to expl ain their decks to each other before the start of the round.\nA player's s core for each round is the sum of the points achieved by the player in the ir match\, and the points achieved by the player's decks.\nEach round\, th e highest ranked player will swap with the lowest ranked player\, second h ighest with second lowest\, etc. If two players would be paired for swappi ng a second time\, the pairing skips along the ranking (e.g. highest ranke d player swaps with second lowest if they already swapped with lowest rank ed player). The pairings for the first round are decided randomly.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Are you new to the game and looking for a chance to play a bunch of different deck s\, all in one day? Are you a grizzled veteran wanting to test your skills as an allrounder? Then you might enjoy our new and exciting format\, the Deck Swapping(™) Tournament.
\nThe idea is simple. Bring two decks . Swap decks with someone else each round. Score points in the matches you play (as usual)\, and add the points your decks get while being played by others. See more fascinating details below.
\nDate: Saturday\, May 20th 2017\nCheck-in time: 13:00 - 13:15\ , please be there on time\nStarting Time: 13:30\n End: approx. 19:30\nLocation: Wellplayed\, Bahnh ofstrasse 57\, 8600 Dübendorf\n hreads/directions-how-to-get-to-wellplayed.14/\nNeeded equipment:< /strong> 1 Runner deck &\; 1 Corp deck\, both sleeved\, tokens\, starti ng fee\, food\nRegistration: wellplayed forum\, alwaysberunning\, mail to me
\nTier: Relaxed\nTourna ments at this level are welcoming to all players\, regardless of experienc e level. Players are encouraged to help each other improve and learn\, so long as it does not significantly disrupt the game. The focus is on creati ng a fun and friendly environment.
\nFormat: Swiss format without cut\, max. 4 rounds (depending on attendance).
\nThere will be 15 min for play ers to explain their decks to each other before the start of the round.\nA player's score for each round is the sum of the points achieved by the pl ayer in their match\, and the points achieved by the player's decks.
\nEach round\, the highest ranked player will swap with the lowest ranked player\, second highest with second lowest\, etc. If two players would be paired for swapping a second time\, the pairing skips along the ranking ( e.g. highest ranked player swaps with second lowest if they already swappe d with lowest ranked player). The pairings for the first round are decided randomly.