BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:551alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170520T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170520T235900 URL: den-haag LOCATION:Korte Houtstraat 13\, 2511 CC Den Haag\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Regionals | Tabletop Kingdom (Den Haag) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Tabletop Kingdom and the Dutch Netrunner community welcome you to the first organized A:NR Regionals event for 2017!\nThe event will last 2 days and you can expect the following:\n==------- 1st day - Swiss ----- --==\nSo here is a rough plan of how the first day could look. (65 minutes per round)\n\nRegistration starts at 11:30\nTournament starts at 12:00 (s trict 12:05)\nRound 1 at 12:15. End of round at 13:25\nRound 2 at 13:40. E nd of round at 14:45\nRound 3 at 14:55. End of round at 15:55\nBreak for 2 0 minutes.\nRound 4 at 16:15. End of round at 17:20\nRound 5 at 17:30. End of round at 18:35\nTop cut announcement and prize giving of all things no n-top tier.\n\nShould be done roughly around 19:00 the latest but the plan is to try to be done around 18:50 so there might be a little bit of time trimmed in between rounds.\n==------- 2nd day - Top Cut / Cache Refresh -- -----==\nOn the second day of the event\, the people that made the top cut will play out their games and the rest who still want to play some Netrun ner\, will be able to participate in the Cache Refresh event!\nThis is an official format by FFG and it will have its own official\, but special\, p rize pool. You can read up on the rules at the link below:\nhttp://www.cac\n(Website created by the awesome Netrunner player\, Absot ively)\n\n\nCache Refresh registration at 11:00\n\n\nTop Cut and Cache Ref resh start at 11:20\n\n\nTournament then lasts until it's done.\n\n\nYou c an expect small breaks in between top cut games\, although they will not b e at the same time as the Cache Refresh breaks.\n\n\nThe Cache Refresh eve nt will have an amount of swiss rounds corresponding to the amount of play ers.\n\n\nWe won't accept late registrations on the Cache Refresh event an d therefore top cut players can't participate if they want to play in the top cut. This is a special event for the people that don't have Regionals games left to play.\n\n\nPlease sign-up if you are coming so that we know who to expect!\nCheers and see you there!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Tabletop Kingdom and the Dutch Netrunner co mmunity welcome you to the first organized A:NR Regionals event for 2017!< /p>\n

The event will last 2 days and you can e xpect the following:


==------- 1st day - Swiss -------==\nSo here is a rough plan of how the first day could look. (65 minutes per round)


Should be done roughly around 19:00 the latest but the plan is to try to be done around 18:50 so there might be a little bit of time trimmed in between rounds.


==------- 2nd day - Top Cut / Cache Refresh -------==


On the second day of the event\, the peopl e that made the top cut will play out their games and the rest who still w ant to play some Netrunner\, will be able to participate in the Cache Refr esh event!


This is an official format by FFG and it will have its own official\, but special\, prize pool. You can read up on the rules at t he link below:\n\n(Website created by the aw esome Netrunner player\, Absotively)


Please sign-up if you are coming so that we know who to expect!


Cheers and see you there!