BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:549alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170506T111000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170506T235900 URL: vent-spellenhuis-hague LOCATION:Zoutmanstraat 94\, 2518 GT Den Haag\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Terminal Directive Launch Event | Spellenhuis (Hague) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Tournament Format: Terminal Directive (Legacy style)\n(Choose a partner and play out the story of the expansion box)\nMore information he re: ve/\nLocation ~ Hague ~ Spellenhuis\nTO: Constantine Kelfecil Chr\nSign up : 11:10\nStart 11:30\nPrice of admission: 5\,- €\nLimit: 6 PLAYERS MAX\n Prizes: The Terminal Directive Launch Event Kit\nPLEASE SIGN-UP as the sig n-ups will tell us who to accept on the day for promo participation. You c an still show up and play if you find a partner\, but only the first 5 peo ple that signed up after the event creation will be participating for the launch kit. It's first come\, first serve when it comes to sign ups becaus e of the kit limit.\nThis is really important since the kit is for 6 playe rs max. If you would like to come\, please make sure you can make it if yo u are going to sign up.\nMore info on how you get cool stuff during the la unch event here: -directive/\nDO NOT WORRY ABOUT NOT MAKING IT ON TIME FOR THIS EVENT OR NO T BEING ABLE TO PARTICIPATE\, as there will be more Terminal Directive lau nch kit events around the Netherlands. You can count on that! \;)\nRegistr ations thus far:\n(Constantine)\nGoncalo\nAidan\nTim\nRene\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Tournament Format: Terminal Directive (Lega cy style)\n(Choose a partner and play out the story of the expansion box)\ nMore information here: /11/terminal-directive/


Location ~ Hague ~ Spellenhuis


TO: Constantine Kelfecil Chr\nSign up: 11:10\nStart 11:30\nPrice of admission : 5\,- €\nLimit: 6 PLAYERS MAX\nPrizes: The Terminal Directive Launch Ev ent Kit


PLEASE SIGN-UP as the sign-ups will tell us who to accept on the day for promo participation. You can still show up and play if you find a partner\, but only the first 5 people that signed up after the even t creation will be participating for the launch kit. It's first come\, fir st serve when it comes to sign ups because of the kit limit.


This is really important since the kit is for 6 players max. If you would like to come\, please make sure you can make it if you are going to sign up.


More info on how you get cool stuff during the launch event here: ht tps://


DO NOT WORRY ABOUT NOT MAKING IT ON TIME FOR THIS EVENT OR NOT BEING ABLE TO PARTICIPATE\, as there will be more Terminal Directive launch kit even ts around the Netherlands. You can count on that! \;)


Registration s thus far:\n(Constantine)\nGoncalo\nAidan\nTim\nRene