BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:548alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170429T111000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20170429T235900 URL: terdam LOCATION:Van Woustraat 202A\, 1073 NA Amsterdam\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Casual / GNK | Friends & Foes (Amsterdam) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Tournament Format: Structured (Casual)\nLocation ~ Amsterdam - Friends &\; Foes Amsterdam\nInformation subject to change on the store owner's discretion!\nTO: Constantine Kelfecil Chr\nSign up: 11:10\nStart 1 1:30\nPrice of admission: 5\,- € (First drink included)\nPrizes: Spring GNK Kit (Mushin No Shin for participants\, Sunny and NBN click trackers as top prizes)\nPLEASE SIGN-UP if you're coming so that we know who to expec t! :)\nThere are some house rules that we kindly ask participants to respe ct while at the store.\nThose are:\n-- It Is not allowed to bring and use your own drinks\, snacks and or food! Not even bottles of water. We have f ree tapwater.\n-- Beverages are mandatory! So buying a second drink or bev erage while at the store is mandatory.\nThank you for respecting our rules and we hope to see you there for a day full of Netrunning! :D\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Tournament Format: Structured (Casual)
\ nLocation ~ Amsterdam - Friends &\; Foes Amsterdam
\nInformati on subject to change on the store owner's discretion!
\nTO: Constant ine Kelfecil Chr\nSign up: 11:10\nStart 11:30\nPrice of admission: 5\,- € (First drink included)\nPrizes: Spring GNK Kit (Mushin No Shin for par ticipants\, Sunny and NBN click trackers as top prizes)
\nPLEASE SIG N-UP if you're coming so that we know who to expect! :)
\nThere are some house rules that we kindly ask participants to respect while at the s tore.\nThose are:
\n-- It Is not allowed to bring and use your own d rinks\, snacks and or food! Not even bottles of water. We have free tapwat er.
\n-- Beverages are mandatory! So buying a second drink or bevera ge while at the store is mandatory.
\nThank you for respecting our r ules and we hope to see you there for a day full of Netrunning! :D