BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:547alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20170506T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20170506T235900 URL: e-attic LOCATION:40\, Jalan SS 22/25\, Bu 3\, 47400 Petaling Jaya\, Selangor\, Mala ysia SUMMARY:Store Championships 2017 @ The Attic CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:MWL 1.2 is here!! Time to brush off your Caprice Niseis and enj oy your ICE not getting Sifr-ed (as much) :D\nANDROID: NETRUNNER | Store C hampionship 2017\nDate: 6th May 2017 (Saturday)\nTime: 10.00AM – 4.30PM (Swiss)\nTill late (Top Cut)\nVenue: The Attic (One floor above All Aboard )\nEntry Fee: RM28 for early birds (registered and paid by 29th Apr\, 1 we ek before event)\, RM40 for registrations between 29th Apr - 6th May\nPaym ent Details:\nPlayers wishing to pre-register may transfer your entry fee to the following bank account:\nLiew Yoon Roy\n4-501 8077-26\nPublic Bank\ nSMS your name and “ANR Store Champs 2017"\; to Roy Liew @ +60 16-36 0 6521 once payment is made.\nFormat: Open Constructed (NAPD Most Wanted L ist will be in effect. Please refer to https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgam _web.pdf for details.)\nNo. of Rounds: 4-5 Swiss rounds (depending on play er count) with a cut to top 4/top 8\nSchedule:\nRegistration begins at 10: 00AM.\nFirst round begins at 10:30 AM.\n30 min lunch break at 12.00 PM (af ter first round).\n1 hour dinner break at 5/6 PM after swiss for Top Cut p layers\nTop Cut begins at 6/7 PM\nSet Legality: Sets released up to Statio n One (Red Sand 2)\nNOTE: For this SC\, we will house rule MCA Informant t o be only hosted on a RUNNER connection.\nPrizes:\n1st Place:\n1 Store Cha mpionship Plaque\n1 Regional Invitation Card\, redeemable for 1 bye at the Android: Netrunner 2017 Regionals of the players choice\n1 Top 4 Playmat featuring Run Amok\n1 printed acrylic token to be used with the card " \;Femme Fatale"\;\n1 Alternate Art PAD CAMPAIGN\n2nd Place:\n1 Top 4 P laymat featuring Run Amok\n1 printed acrylic token to be used with the car d "\;Femme Fatale"\;\n1 Alternate Art PAD CAMPAIGN\n3nd-4th Place: \n1 Top 4 Playmat featuring Run Amok\n1 Alternate Art PAD CAMPAIGN\n5th-12 th Place:\n1 Deck Box featuring Run Amok\n1 Alternate Art PAD CAMPAIGN\n13 th Place onwards:\n1 Alternate Art PAD CAMPAIGN\nLatecomer Warning:\nDue t o time constraints\, the organizers have to be strict with the time manage ment during the event. Players arriving within the first 10 minutes after the start of the first game (10:30AM)\, may proceed with the game with no extra time allowed. If you arrive after the first 10 minutes\, you will be given a match loss for your first round and can only join the tournament at the second round. We thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the gam e day proceeds efficiently.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

MWL 1.2 is here!! Time to brush off your Ca price Niseis and enjoy your ICE not getting Sifr-ed (as much) :D


A NDROID: NETRUNNER | Store Championship 2017


Date: 6th May 2017 (Sa turday)\nTime: 10.00AM – 4.30PM (Swiss)\nTill late (Top Cut)\nVenue: The Attic (One floor above All Aboard)\nEntry Fee: RM28 for early birds (regi stered and paid by 29th Apr\, 1 week before event)\, RM40 for registration s between 29th Apr - 6th May


Payment Details:\nPlayers wishing to pre-register may transfer your entry fee to the following bank account:\nL iew Yoon Roy\n4-501 8077-26\nPublic Bank


SMS your name and “ANR Store Champs 2017"\; to Roy Liew @ +60 16-360 6521 once payment is mad e.


Format: Open Constructed (NAPD Most Wanted List will be in effe ct. Please refer to /fa/84/fa84c620-cd7e-4c6c-96bd-c703419fca5e/adn_mwl_v12_web.pdf for detail s.)


No. of Rounds: 4-5 Swiss rounds (depending on player count) wi th a cut to top 4/top 8


Schedule:\nRegistration begins at 10:00AM. \nFirst round begins at 10:30 AM.\n30 min lunch break at 12.00 PM (after f irst round).\n1 hour dinner break at 5/6 PM after swiss for Top Cut player s\nTop Cut begins at 6/7 PM


Set Legality: Sets released up to Stat ion One (Red Sand 2)\nNOTE: For this SC\, we will house rule MCA Informant to be only hosted on a RUNNER connection.




1st Pla ce:\n1 Store Championship Plaque\n1 Regional Invitation Card\, redeemable for 1 bye at the Android: Netrunner 2017 Regionals of the players choice\n 1 Top 4 Playmat featuring Run Amok\n1 printed acrylic token to be used wit h the card "\;Femme Fatale"\;\n1 Alternate Art PAD CAMPAIGN

\n< p>2nd Place:\n1 Top 4 Playmat featuring Run Amok\n1 printed acrylic token to be used with the card "\;Femme Fatale"\;\n1 Alternate Art PAD C AMPAIGN


3nd-4th Place:\n1 Top 4 Playmat featuring Run Amok\n1 Alte rnate Art PAD CAMPAIGN


5th-12th Place:\n1 Deck Box featuring Run A mok\n1 Alternate Art PAD CAMPAIGN


13th Place onwards:\n1 Alternate Art PAD CAMPAIGN


Latecomer Warning:\nDue to time constraints\, th e organizers have to be strict with the time management during the event. Players arriving within the first 10 minutes after the start of the first game (10:30AM)\, may proceed with the game with no extra time allowed. If you arrive after the first 10 minutes\, you will be given a match loss for your first round and can only join the tournament at the second round. We thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the game day proceeds efficien tly.