BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:541alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170427T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170427T235900 URL: ight LOCATION:6 Butler St\, Preston PR1 8BN\, UK SUMMARY:Terminal Directive Launch Night! CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nGrab your Core sets\, there's a murderous biroid on the loose !\nTerminal Directive is the campaign expansion for Android Netrunnerm and we'll be holding a game night for it!\nWhat do you need to bring?\nIf you 're purchasing a copy of Terminal Directive from Dice &\; Donuts then a ll you need to bring is a single core set\, to construct your decks once y ou've opened your box! Otherwise you'll need to bring your decks made with just Terminal Directive and a single Core Set.\nEntry: Free for Guild Mem bers! And 2 free entries when you purchase a copy of Terminal Directive fr om Dice &\; Donuts.\nOtherwise it's our standard £3.50 entrance fee.\n Can't make it launch night?\nWe'll be holding a weekend event on Saturday 29th April as part of our Table Top Day events!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Gr ab your Core sets\, there's a murderous biroid on the loose!
\nTermi nal Directive is the campaign expansion for Android Netrunnerm and we'll b e holding a game night for it!
\nWhat do you need to bring?\nIf you' re purchasing a copy of Terminal Directive from Dice &\; Donuts then al l you need to bring is a single core set\, to construct your decks once yo u've opened your box! Otherwise you'll need to bring your decks made with just Terminal Directive and a single Core Set.
\nEntry: Free for Gui ld Members! And 2 free entries when you purchase a copy of Terminal Direct ive from Dice &\; Donuts.\nOtherwise it's our standard £3.50 entrance fee.
\nCan't make it launch night?\nWe'll be holding a weekend event on Saturday 29th April as part of our Table Top Day events!