BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:539alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170617T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170617T235900 URL: l-championship LOCATION:40B Cowane St\, Stirling FK8 1JR\, UK SUMMARY:Common Ground Games - Regional Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWe are proud to be the hosts for this year's Netrunner Scotti sh Regional.\nWe will be running it over 2 days\, with the Saturday being entirely dedicated to the Swiss tournament\, and Sunday being not only the Top Cut but also another and completely separate tournament with addition al prizes.\nThe Format for the Swiss and Top Cut will follow the usual FFG Tournament rules and format\, but the side event on Sunday will be differ ent\, most likely the format. Sundays' event will be open to all w hether they took part in the Regional or not and eliminated players from t he Cut will be able to drop in if they so choose.\nEntry is £20 which get s you:\n\nEntry into both days events.\nLunch for everyone on the Saturday and Lunch for the top cut on Sunday.\nThere will be the usual\, and amazi ng FFG prize support for both tournaments.\n\nWe will start registration f rom 10.00 am with the first round starting at 11 prompt. Please bring a pr inted and signed decklist to registration.\nWe will do 2 rounds and then s top for lunch.\nDepending on numbers we will then do the remaning 3 rounds \, or 2\, break and then 2.\nWe aim to be done by 7 (ish) on the Saturday and if there is interest we can arrange a meal/ beers for after.\nThe Sund ay will start at 11 again with lunch being called at an appropriate time f or both events.\nPlease indicate your intent to come by signing up on this page.\nI am very much looking forward to welcoming you all.\nAnyone looki ng to prepay their entry can do so via paypal\, If you indicate what facti on you will be running on the day in the notes I can preregister you too. This is not locking you in to this choice\, when you come to tell me you'r e in on the day you can change it.\nPaypal\; k\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
We are proud to b e the hosts for this year's Netrunner Scottish Regional.< /p>\n
We will be running it over 2 days\, with the Saturday being entire ly dedicated to the Swiss tournament\, and Sunday being not only the Top C ut but also another and completely separate tournament with additional pri zes.
\nThe Format for the Swiss and Top Cut will follow the usual FF G Tournament rules and format\, but the side event on Sunday will be diffe rent\, most likely the format. Sundays' event will be open to all whether they took part in the Regional or not and eliminated players from the Cut will be able to drop in if they so choose.
\nEntry i s £20 which gets you:
\nWe will start registration from 10 .00 am with the first round starting at 11 prompt. Please bring a printed and signed decklist to registration.
\nWe will do 2 rounds and then stop for lunch.\nDepending on numbers we will then do the remaning 3 round s\, or 2\, break and then 2.\nWe aim to be done by 7 (ish) on the Saturday and if there is interest we can arrange a meal/ beers for after.\nThe Sun day will start at 11 again with lunch being called at an appropriate time for both events.\nPlease indicate your intent to come by signing up on thi s page.\nI am very much looking forward to welcoming you all.
\nAnyo ne looking to prepay their entry can do so via paypal\, If you indicate wh at faction you will be running on the day in the notes I can preregister y ou too. This is not locking you in to this choice\, when you come to tell me you're in on the day you can change it.
\nPaypal\; orders@commong