BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:532alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170624T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170624T235900 URL: onship LOCATION:186 Hercules Rd\, Lambeth\, London SE1 7LD\, UK SUMMARY:Dark Sphere - Regional Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nPrizes\n\n\nTop 64 – These players will receive a copy of t he Ele ‘Smoke’ Scovak alternate art card. Stealth icebreakers can be e xtremely powerful and efficient tools\, but are limited by the fact that y ou can only power them with resources from cards with the stealth subtypes . Smoke is here and can easily bring those tools to bear.\n\n​Top 16 – These players will receive a set of acrylic credit tokens. Show off your credits with extra flair by winning a set of these tokens! You get five 1 credit tokens and five 3 credit tokens with this set!\n\nTop 8 – The top eight players will receive a playmat featuring the art from the card Find the Truth.\n\nTop 4 – The top four players will receive a double-sided\ , plastic\, spot-glossed Identity card featuring Jemison Aeronautics and L os\, Data Hijacker.\nFirst Place – The winner will receive a colored tro phy\, a first round bye to a 2017 or 2018 Android: Netrunner National Cham pionship\, and a reserved seat at the 2017 Android: Netrunner World Champi onships.\n\nStructure\nNetrunner Regionals are run using the Advanced Stru cture:\nPlayers:\n21-32 - 4 rounds + Top 8\n33-56 - 5 rounds + Top 8\n57- 80 - 6 rounds + Top 8\n81-128 - 7 rounds + Top 8\nSwiss Rounds: 65 minute s each\nDouble Elimination Rounds (except Finals): 40 minutes each\nFinals (when only two players remain): 60 minutes\nTickets:\nhttp://www.darksphe\nPlay Level\nRegionals are Formal level events. Thi s tournament level expects players to possess at least a minimal amount of experience. Players should be familiar with the game rules\, and be prepa red to exercise that knowledge to play at a reasonable pace. Players are e xpected to avoid confusion about their actions and refrain from other slop py play mistakes. The focus is a friendly competitive environment.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Pri zes




Netrunner R egionals are run using the Advanced Structure:


Players:\n21-32 - 4 rounds + Top 8\n33-56 - 5 rounds + Top 8\n57-80 - 6 rounds + Top 8\n81- 128 - 7 rounds + Top 8


Swiss Rounds: 65 minutes each\nDouble Elimi nation Rounds (except Finals): 40 minutes each\nFinals (when only two play ers remain): 60 minutes





Play Level


Regionals are Formal level events. This to urnament level expects players to possess at least a minimal amount of exp erience. Players should be familiar with the game rules\, and be prepared to exercise that knowledge to play at a reasonable pace. Players are expec ted to avoid confusion about their actions and refrain from other sloppy p lay mistakes. The focus is a friendly competitive environment.