BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:531alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170610T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170610T235900 URL: ionship LOCATION:9 St Gregory's Alley\, Norwich NR2 1ER\, UK SUMMARY:Athena Games - Regional Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nAthena Games is delighted to be holding an Android Netrunner Regional Championship on Saturday 10th June\, through Sunday 11th June.\nI n a Regional Championship\, players compete to be crowned Regional champio n and ultimately go on to the National Championship\nThe Regional will con form to the regulations outlined in the official tournament document\nWe a re unable to give you an exact timeframe for the event since the number of rounds will be determined by a number of players we have:\n9-20 - 4 Round s\, Top 4 cut\n23-32 - 4 Rounds\, Top 8 Cut\nDue to people saying they'd r ather have a single day event\, we've decided to run the Regionals main ev ent on a Saturday. This does mean we have to cap the event at 32 people.\n We will be running side events on Sunday. Please see below for more inform ation.\nHowever\, below you can see an estimated schedule of the day based on a minimum of 23 players turning up. We would like to make it clear tha t this is only an estimate and each round has been given a grace period fo r pairings to be calculated. If we are able to start a round sooner\, we w ill.\nDay 1 - Saturday 10th June\n09:00 – Doors Open\, Registration Star ts\n09:45 – Registration Closes\, Play Briefing\n10:00 – Round 1 Begin s\n11:25 – Round 2 Begins\n12:50 – Round 3 Begins\n14:15 – Lunch\n14 :45 – Round 4 Begins\n15:50 - Distribute prizes\n16:00 - Double Eliminat ion Round 1\n16:50 - Double Elimination Round 2\n17:40 - Double Eliminatio n Round 3\n18:30 - Double Elimination Round 4\n19:20 - Double Elimination Round 5\n20:10 - Semi-Finals\n21:00 - Finals\n22:00 - Prizes distributed\n 22:15 - Doors close\nDay 2 - Sunday 11th June\n11:00 – Doors Open\n11:30 – Cache Refresh Round 1\n12:15 – Cache Refresh Round 2\n12:55 – Lun ch\n13:20 – Cache Refresh Round 3\n14:05 – Cache Refresh Round 4\n14:5 0 – Cache Refresh Round 5\n15:35 – Cache Refresh Round 6\n16:20 – Pr izes distributed\n17:00 – Doors Close\nPlayers are expected to adhere to the rules found on FFG's website and to read the FAQ before attending the event. They can be found here:\nWe also ask that players come equipped wi th a copies of their decklist for submission.\nNew products for the game t hat are released within 11 days of the event will not be legal to play.\n\ nSide Events\nWe will have side events on the Sunday and you will be able to compete in these side events. You MUST play on Saturday to be eligible for this event.\nThe side event will follow the Cache Refresh format.\nPla yers must construct a deck using traditional deckbuilding rules and the NA PD Most Wanted list. However\, there are limits to the cards you may build with. You can only build a deck using cards from the following products:\ n-1 Android Netrunner Core Set\n-1 Deluxe Expansion (Each player chooses w hich Deluxe Expansion they wish to use. You may choose a different expansi on for your Corp and Runner Decks)\n-1 Terminal Directive Campaign Expansi on\n-The Current Data Cycle: "\;Red Sand Cycle"\;\n-The second-mos t current Data Cycle: "\;The Flashpoint Cycle"\;\nEach round of a Cache Refresh event is 40 minutes and consists of one game. At the start o f each round\, players bid starting credits and cards (in hand) to determi ne who will play Runner and Corp that round. Players determine who starts the bidding at random. The starting player chooses which side they are bid ding on (Corp or Runner)\, places the first bid\, and then players take tu rns bidding increasingly more starting resources (the number of starting c redits and cards) until one player chooses not to bid and passes.\nWhen bi dding\, players use the following rules:\n-Players bid a number from 0 to 10\, but must bid a higher number than the previous bid. This number repre sents the combined number of starting cards and credits the player is will ing to sacrifice to play the chosen side.\n-The player who starts the bidd ing can bid 0. This is a normal starting hand and a number of credits (5 e ach).\n-If an even numbered bid wins\, the winning player must start the g ame with less cards and credits each equal to half that bid. If an odd num bered bid wins\, the winning player must start the game with less cards eq ual to half that bid\, rounded down\, and less credits equal to half that bid\, rounded up. For example\, a winning bid of 3 would be 2 less credits and 1 less card at the start of the game for that player.\nIf a game woul d end in a draw\, the player who won the bid at the start of the round los es the game and his or her opponent wins the game.\n\nPrizes:\nRegional Pr izes:\n-Winner: A Regional Champion Trophy\n-Top 4: double-sided spot-glos s plastic identity card "\;Los/Jemison Astronautics"\;.\n-Top 8: A Netrunner Regional Championship playmat.\n-Top 16: A set of acrylic credi t tokens.\n-Participation prize: Alternate Art Ele "\;Smoke"\; Slo vak Card.\n-We will offer other alt art cards to any remaining participant s while stocks last.\nSide Event Prizes:\n-Winner: A Champion Trophy\n-Top 2: A Netrunner Playmat\n-Top 5: A choice between a Leela Patel alt art ca rd\, Sunny Labeau alt art card\, or Corroder alt art card\, whilst stocks last.\n-Top 8: A set of acrylic brain damage tokens.\n-We will offer other alt art cards to remaining players as participation prizes\, while stocks last.\n\nA ticket for the event is £15.\nYou may purchase a ticket in-st ore or online.\n\nTravel\, Parking\, and Accommodation\nAthena Games can b e found at 9 St. Gregory's Alley\, NR2 1ER.\nThe store is located in Norwi ch's city centre and is 15 minutes away from the train station on foot. No rwich's train station offers lines between Norwich\, and major cities such as London\, Liverpool\, Peterborough and Cambridge.\nIf you are travellin g by car\, St. Andrews Car Park\, and St. Giles Multi Storey Car Park are only 5 minutes away by foot and offer very competitive prices. You can fin d more information on those two car parks here:\nSt. Andrews Car Park\nSt. Giles Multi Storey Car Park\nLooking to stay the night? There is a Premie r Inn just 5 minutes away on Duke Street.\n\nFood &\; Drink\nAthena Gam es offer snacks and drinks in our store at a reasonable price. However\, i f you are looking to get something more substantial to eat\, you are in lu ck as we are in a prime area of Norwich that plays hosts to many cafés\, restaurants\, and even pubs. Not only that\, we have the best Fish &\; Chip shop in all of Norfolk on our very doorstep\, Grosvenor Fish Bar.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Athena Games is delighted to be holding an Android Netrunner Regiona l Championship on Saturday 10th June\, through Sunday 11th June.


I n a Regional Championship\, players compete to be crowned Regional champio n and ultimately go on to the National Championship


The Regional w ill conform to the regulations outlined in the official tournament document


We are unable to give you an exact timeframe for the event sinc e the number of rounds will be determined by a number of players we have:\ n9-20 - 4 Rounds\, Top 4 cut\n23-32 - 4 Rounds\, Top 8 Cut


Due to people saying they'd rather have a single day event\, we've decided to run the Regionals main event on a Saturday. This does mean we have to cap the event at 32 people.


We will be running side events on Sunday. Ple ase see below for more information.


However\, below you can see an estimated schedule of the day based on a minimum of 23 players turning up . We would like to make it clear that this is only an estimate and each ro und has been given a grace period for pairings to be calculated. If we are able to start a round sooner\, we will.


Day 1 - Saturday 10th June\n09:00 – Doors Open\, Registration Starts\n09:45 – Registration Closes\, Play Briefing\n10:00 – Round 1 Begins\n11:25 – R ound 2 Begins\n12:50 – Round 3 Begins\n14:15 – Lunch\n14:45 – Round 4 Begins\n15:50 - Distribute prizes\n16:00 - Double Elimination Round 1\n1 6:50 - Double Elimination Round 2\n17:40 - Double Elimination Round 3\n18: 30 - Double Elimination Round 4\n19:20 - Double Elimination Round 5\n20:10 - Semi-Finals\n21:00 - Finals\n22:00 - Prizes distributed\n22:15 - Doors close


Day 2 - Sunday 11th June\n11:00 – Doors O pen\n11:30 – Cache Refresh Round 1\n12:15 – Cache Refresh Round 2\n12: 55 – Lunch\n13:20 – Cache Refresh Round 3\n14:05 – Cache Refresh Rou nd 4\n14:50 – Cache Refresh Round 5\n15:35 – Cache Refresh Round 6\n16 :20 – Prizes distributed\n17:00 – Doors Close


Players are expe cted to adhere to the rules found on FFG's website and to read the FAQ bef ore attending the event. They can be found here:


We also ask that players come equipped with a copies of their decklis t for submission.


New products for the game that are released with in 11 days of the event will not be legal to play.


Side Ev ents


We will have side events on the Sunday and you will be able t o compete in these side events. You MUST play on Saturday to be eligible f or this event.


The side event will follow the Cache Refresh format .


Players must construct a deck using traditional deckbuilding rul es and the NAPD Most Wanted list. However\, there are limits to the cards you may build with. You can only build a deck using cards from the followi ng products:\n-1 Android Netrunner Core Set\n-1 Deluxe Expansion (Each pla yer chooses which Deluxe Expansion they wish to use. You may choose a diff erent expansion for your Corp and Runner Decks)\n-1 Terminal Directive Cam paign Expansion\n-The Current Data Cycle: "\;Red Sand Cycle"\;\n-T he second-most current Data Cycle: "\;The Flashpoint Cycle"\;

\ n

Each round of a Cache Refresh event is 40 minutes and consists of one game. At the start of each round\, players bid starting credits and cards (in hand) to determine who will play Runner and Corp that round. Players d etermine who starts the bidding at random. The starting player chooses whi ch side they are bidding on (Corp or Runner)\, places the first bid\, and then players take turns bidding increasingly more starting resources (the number of starting credits and cards) until one player chooses not to bid and passes.


When bidding\, players use the following rules:\n-Play ers bid a number from 0 to 10\, but must bid a higher number than the prev ious bid. This number represents the combined number of starting cards and credits the player is willing to sacrifice to play the chosen side.\n-The player who starts the bidding can bid 0. This is a normal starting hand a nd a number of credits (5 each).\n-If an even numbered bid wins\, the winn ing player must start the game with less cards and credits each equal to h alf that bid. If an odd numbered bid wins\, the winning player must start the game with less cards equal to half that bid\, rounded down\, and less credits equal to half that bid\, rounded up. For example\, a winning bid o f 3 would be 2 less credits and 1 less card at the start of the game for t hat player.


If a game would end in a draw\, the player who won the bid at the start of the round loses the game and his or her opponent wins the game.


Prizes:\nRegional Prizes:\n-Winner: A Regional Champion Trophy\n-Top 4: double-sided spot-gloss plastic identity card &qu ot\;Los/Jemison Astronautics"\;.\n-Top 8: A Netrunner Regional Champio nship playmat.\n-Top 16: A set of acrylic credit tokens.\n-Participation p rize: Alternate Art Ele "\;Smoke"\; Slovak Card.\n-We will offer o ther alt art cards to any remaining participants while stocks last.

\n< p>Side Event Prizes:\n-Winner: A Champion Trophy\n-Top 2: A Netrunner Play mat\n-Top 5: A choice between a Leela Patel alt art card\, Sunny Labeau al t art card\, or Corroder alt art card\, whilst stocks last.\n-Top 8: A set of acrylic brain damage tokens.\n-We will offer other alt art cards to re maining players as participation prizes\, while stocks last.


A ticket for the event is £15.\nYou may purchase a ticket in-store or online.


Travel\, Parking\, and Accommodation


Athen a Games can be found at 9 St. Gregory's Alley\, NR2 1ER.


The store is located in Norwich's city centre and is 15 minutes away from the train station on foot. Norwich's train station offers lines between Norwich\, a nd major cities such as London\, Liverpool\, Peterborough and Cambridge.\n

If you are travelling by car\, St. Andrews Car Park\, and St. Giles Multi Storey Car Park are only 5 minutes away by foot and offer very comp etitive prices. You can find more information on those two car parks here:


St. Andrews Car Park


St. Giles Multi Storey Car Park


Looking to stay the night? There is a Premier Inn just 5 minutes away on Duke Street .


Food &\; Drink


Athena Games offer snacks and drinks in our store at a reasonable price. However\, if you are looking to get something more substantial to eat\, you are in luck as we are in a pr ime area of Norwich that plays hosts to many cafés\, restaurants\, and ev en pubs. Not only that\, we have the best Fish &\; Chip shop in all of Norfolk on our very doorstep\, Grosvenor Fish Bar.