BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:526alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170507T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170507T235900 URL: LOCATION:16 Charing Cross\, Norwich NR2 4AL\, UK SUMMARY:Norwich BABW CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Location: The Mash Tun\, 16 Charing Cross\, NR2 4AL (this is ju st round the corner from Athena Games).\nDate: May 7th\nTime: Registration 12:00-12:30. Round One begins 12:30.\nEntry: Only £5.00!\nFormat: 4 roun ds of swiss\, top 4 cut (subject to change dependent on numbers)\nLegality : All packs released on or before May 4th will be legal. MWL 1.2 will be i n effect.\nPrize Support: The winner will win a seat at the BABW Final\, b eing held on May 20th at Eclectic Games in Reading. If the winner is unabl e to attend the final\, this will be passed to the next highest player who will be able to. All entrants will receive a copy of the BABW-exclusive S moke alt-art pictured.\nPublic transport: The venue is 15 minute walk from Norwich railway stations and about the same from Norwich bus station.\nPa rking: Most convenient parking in St. Andrew car park\, Duke Street\, NR3 3AT. Parking is £5.90 for over 3 hours.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Location: The Mash Tun\, 16 Charing Cross\, NR2 4AL (this is just round the corner from Athena Games).\nDate: May 7th \nTime: Registration 12:00-12:30. Round One begins 12:30.\nEntry: Only £5 .00!\nFormat: 4 rounds of swiss\, top 4 cut (subject to change dependent o n numbers)


Legality: All packs released on or before May 4th will be legal. MWL 1.2 will be in effect.


Prize Support: The winner wil l win a seat at the BABW Final\, being held on May 20th at Eclectic Games in Reading. If the winner is unable to attend the final\, this will be pas sed to the next highest player who will be able to. All entrants will rece ive a copy of the BABW-exclusive Smoke alt-art pictured.


Public tr ansport: The venue is 15 minute walk from Norwich railway stations and abo ut the same from Norwich bus station.


Parking: Most convenient par king in St. Andrew car park\, Duke Street\, NR3 3AT. Parking is £5.90 for over 3 hours.